. � . . . . �.jl
<br /> � . .. � � � ._ . . . _
<br /> oa-o3-�ssa I��F_U OF '�O�UST �a�� � � �--
<br /> l.oen M�t 44ti484 (�ontlnue�) 97°��`�i4.�A� ��
<br /> Iccs and ch�rQan arrr a pnrt ot U�IS���d o!Yrust: -��.�� �!
<br /> Ct�rrRnt Tcn:ea,Feaa and Cher�ee. UAon roqurral Uy l.onder,Trustor ahall ox�cuto atich dxurt�nts In additlon to thls Dad of Tntst and tak� .4;
<br /> whatevar o1Ner satlon Is requestad by Lond�t lo podo�l nn[�contlnuo Lond�s ifan on SI�Rwi Proparty. Trustor ehaH relmburso L�nder for dl ,�j
<br /> tv:os,as duscribed bdow, toQethw �vllh all ox�ortEaa lncurrod in rocord!np,p�Mcfiip a conUnWnp tN� D�d of Truat,incfudinp wllhoW __
<br /> Ilmlttdlon all l�uu►s,(ees,documentery etempi,nnt7 oti►vr alinr(�a�tor rc►cordlnp or ropieta�inp Ih!s Dad of Trust.
<br /> Texea Tha lollowiny shal corfstHuta tnxes to wt�bh Ihla c�ocllon appNes: (o)a eprc![la tax upon thls typs o}ONd ol Trust a upon aH w eny � �
<br /> part n1 Iho Indobtadnoss socur�d by th!s D�ed o1 Tniyt; (t))u upeclfic�ex on Tru8lar whiCh Trustor b authorized or rsquksd to deduCl kom I `
<br /> i paymoni:�on Iha Indabtadnc,;:,r;curcd by tlt��t},�a af Dn�d ot Trust; (c)a f�x on tnirs lype of C�eed nf Trust chart}eable aflalnst the Lender a ._
<br /> the holder of tho Noio;ena (d)e ep�dfb tox an Ml M nny portlon of the indebtodnass a on Faymenb o}prindpoJ and Intaast mada by
<br /> � Trusia.
<br /> I Subs�qttw►t Taoca. If nny tex to wh�Ct�th�.t roatlon npnUes Io onncled aubaoquont to Ilw date of thia Daod of Trust,thts swnt ahall havs th� .�,
<br /> � � oomo eBnat 4e an Event o}Detaut(au doflnpd bt�ow),nnd l.ondor may oxerc►so any or all of tis avauabto remedla�tor 4n Evont of Default as
<br /> pro�+Sdad bdow unloss Trustu dihsr (a)pnyra ihp lo�c baom fl bocomo9 delinquont,or (U}contQSts tlw tax ns provlded above In the Ta�cos nnd
<br /> LN+na sxdon and dapc;its elith Lond�r es�h a�i oulfic�nnl aamnrnlo nuroty bond or otf�er sxuriiy eatishtctory to Lender. '
<br /> g�CU��Ty pC�{iE�d".E�T;FIHAdCIN4�iYATii1l�Gid�fi. The Ioflawinp pro�lr��lons rolutinp lo Ihls Deed oi Trust as a secudry apreement aro a part of
<br /> this Deed o!TruSt. �
<br /> SacuAty AOrsement. Thts Instrumsmi shn0 cons111uto n cocurlty rtprc►oment to the �sdonl any of tIq Propertyr consUtutes tixtures a other .,.
<br /> porconoi proporty�and Lendar st�alt hava nll of tha�ighls of n cocurud purty undor lho Unilorm Cammerclal Cqde ao amended hom Ome to +,:;.,t ,
<br /> . IimO. r,.�, . .__..__ -
<br /> � S�cutfly Intet�W. Upon requsst by Londw,Tnetlor:�Ii�A oxscuto financinp statwn�nts ond taka wtMi��otMr actbn b roqu�sMd by Londa
<br /> , ; to perlect nnd contlnuo Lender's sacurity IMemst In it�a I�nb and I�arsonai ProO�rtY. �n tddlJon ta ncadlnp ih)s Doed o1 Trust In ttw rNl ;_, .�,'�
<br /> • propaN rocads�I.�ndor may,et any Orrw nnd wYlhpv3 Suritwr authaimtion Irom fn�stor,lfN�xacuMd counlKp�rls.ccpiw a roproductlons of --
<br /> th;;p�ad ot Trettt cs a Rnsn_!rr�st9l9rrteM. Tr�tdor sheu relmbureo Lendar tor all ex{�ons�e irtcurted In p�rkcdnp or conHnulr►p thfs sacwfty �I�;t,;;:
<br /> Intcr.ost Upon detuuit,Trusta sha►1�LSOmbSB Ih9 Ptxconnl Frcperty I�&rtwnnar and nt a pitsce rettsonAbry conveNOnt to 5'rustor and Lendw ;�;,'::�,` �, _ , �
<br /> and mako It evaflabb to Lender wltl�n throa(3)dayn nS1u recelpt ot wrtflen demand trorn Lender. ;1,r,.�;,' k„��-a
<br /> Addrss&es. 7Tie muliinfl addtossos of"fruator (A9b4ar)nnd Londor(seoured party). hom whtch Intormn8an concernin0 tt►s aacurity Inte►eSt `�?�..''��,+ ., '`'�.__
<br /> pnntod by ih►s Deed ot Trust may Ga obtn►nad(oQCSr�s�oqulred by the UNtorm Cammwclal Code),ue as nLtt�xl on ihe Rrst paye of tMs Deed .,,.,,,,iJ;.•, ,, �4:_,.z
<br /> of Truri. :;.;�;t.,� .
<br /> . �:,.,.
<br /> F1lRT6f�i Ati8URAi'iCE3i ATTOANEY-I1i�FACT. fhy Y�AOwinp prr,vlslons rel¢Unp to h�dtwr assuranc�s and aHomeyNr�f¢ct an a part o!iNs ' ,,�";:���', ''�y,_
<br /> � Dsed of an:sL • ... �
<br /> �; Furt�r/lwirer�c�o, /114ny Urn�,and trom ilmr lo ilm�,upo�i requett ol Lw�der,Tniata wIN mak�,�x�cu6�and dNiwr,ar�►iN cat�to b� ��
<br /> .. madu�ex,oculed a dtYVOred�to l.ond�r ot to l.ond�'e deslynre,and whon requeFtW by L.ander�caua 1»Wny�rid�II su�ch�mor�0�s� �
<br /> ' rerecadsd,a tlw caa may bs,at such Umw nnd In ouch otllc�a tnd plccas af Londe may dMm�pP oprla .` 1�
<br /> d�ls a tnut,sacu�ity do�ds,socurity eproomente,�nnncing stntomonts,conUnutUon ahtsm.sr►a,lmhum�nb of furtiwr essurana�aruAcaatoe� �•
<br /> ' nnd other dooum�nb as rrµy.in ttN adY opinkm ot t.ondnr,bo no0a�sary or d�elroS�N In ada to�ctutt�,ccmPlN�.Panc�t�Contlnw,or ���
<br /> � proserve (u)tM obNpaUons of Truata undor Ihv MoSe,Ihb D�of Tnut,and tt�Ft�lakd Documo�b,and (b)ti�N�rn and sec�xity I�rab
<br /> creatnd by thl�DNd of 7nnt as nnt ano prior i�enr on ihr�oPwiY�w7�w��w���,::��;rt:.�� w.�wl..M.�:C^y��..���Ji�!l�4v. I lnl��nrn'h1Nl�d bV = - _ - _.
<br /> . kw a Aareed to Ihe canVary by Londer In wAting,TYustor ah�!1 relmburee l.end�tar oM cosb and experaea IncuR�d�n conr�:Nor++vlth�►►s '
<br /> mattera roi�xred to In tS�ls pareqmph. ,
<br /> AttayHy-�rF.Fact. U Trusta faNS lo do nny o} 1h9 thlnps rolorrod lo In the precedlnD Panpraph,Londnr may do sv for and In the name ot „
<br /> Trustor and ot TrustoPa ex{wnse. For suoh put�posos,Tru&tor heroby IROVOCabIy appofnts Lender as Tnutora attorney-iMact fa the pur,p�e ;i
<br /> ot rneklnp,wcecuNrW�dMiverir►y.f�ing,rncordl�B,nnd doing nll olhor thlnaa as may bo nxessary a deslnbN, In Londw's sole oplNon,to :;. �
<br /> acacmplish 1ha nwtlors rofared to In tTaa prooedin�P�G�Ah. Yr'�. 1 c
<br /> � F{p,�pEpFp{iMANCE. Ii Trusta pays�N IM Indebtodngss,Indudinp wtthout IlmltaUOn all Nturo adva�xos,when dua,4nd otherwMW pe+forms�M ��: °
<br /> N
<br /> thc+obNQaNOns Imposed uPon Trustor under Ihfs Dsed o1 Trust,Wndt+►chnll exeCUla tnd deYvet lo Trusta s nqueat for fuN nconwyanoo md shd ��rr�. '
<br /> oxocu{P and doWer to Trustor sulleble stntemenia o! 19rm!ntllon of nny Mandnp steNmerrt on IY���Ad�ndng Lendrr's sacurity Int�eu In tha R�nb �•�F�,.�.. : � .
<br /> and tho Paconal Pro{�rtY. Any reconvsyano�19a roquYod by Inw ehoN ba pWf by Trwtor.It p�rmltlb by�ppYcabta law. ' ,��, -
<br /> � � D�FAI�T.EaCh of ttw fqMowlnp,d the optbn ot Londw,shWl constitule nn evant of d9fau]t("Event of D�ftull')und�r thb DaW ol Tnnt: ; �'??{�". :�
<br /> ��:
<br /> ,� Delault on Indibt�dn��. FaMUro dl'Rusto►lo nwlca nny pnymenl wMn dw on tl�e 1 ndobbdnas. . r,:;n. tr:,�
<br /> • p�p�n pn OH�Pym�nt�. Fafluvo o!Truslar��fh!n Ihe tima roquired by Ihls Daod of Trust to m�c�anY p�y�n�r�t fa fAxes a t��nno�.a *?'; -
<br /> es •;�:
<br /> '� nny othsr paym�nt rwcessary to prov+ent fifing M a lo atkal disch�o}any Ilan. ,.;�,,,.rx._ ----
<br /> ' � D�twtt M fln►or o7 Thkd P�rtN�. Should�or►ownr or�ny Truata dehult under nny lo4n,�xMnslon of aydit,s�curity�pr�rMn►�P��« ,S�ck-�--���``°�
<br /> f��PI�DT'.i`.
<br /> sa{es aprwment,or any othK apr�nriwnt,In iwvor of any other aodllor a person Ihat rtwy maSMiiltY aflact any of Borrowb'a propKly or ., ,LS::;��
<br /> ,� Borrow�s or any Tnntors abSlitY to roPaY Ihe Lowu or pxtwm Ihak reaD�cUw ovlbAtla�s und�r th[s DNd d Trust a any d th�Fiotat�d . •."
<br /> Oacumenh.
<br /> . ��lTrhttR. FWuro o!Tnntor to oompfy wHh any o1hK OKm�obWtlbn�covan�nt or condtlon c o n l a l n a d In t h M D M d o f T n�s t.t M � .• �..,�'���
<br /> • .� Nat�a In my o/IM RNaf�d Docum�nb. .�,• �;�5,,,`� -_
<br /> FdM QtaMnMM►ta. My wamtnty�roProsadtrion or fdikm�nt mnd�a hxnlsMd to l endar by or on b�hdf ot Tructa undor Wa O�nd af Trust, '�.r..:m
<br /> � , ' : �� Ifio NaM or tne Rolatsd Documenb b 1�lw or mis�ledinp In any m�tKial rs�p�Ct.aIH►ar now a at tls�Wr�mad�or himish�d. ;-�'''`�j'r,�.
<br />_ , ,,�.,'' peg�,�qye�pp�qyNriR{pn. 7M9 Da�d M Tnest or nny ot ll»Raiel��Docummffi oaacas to bo In ful fores and�INct Qndudlrm�:luro ot any �
<br /> • , �Q�1aMrN dceurt»nb to cnak A v�d and n�fso�d�owity Intwo�l or Y�+►)at any Umo and(a any raason.
<br /> . QW�lh a Ga�utvNtiCY. Tt►�doaih ot Truator or Iho t11�ofWon or tenrdruUOn ot Trt�Nu�t�kMnce ss�gdnp bustn�ti.tM irsaNu�noy d ,
<br /> , Trtttta,lhe�pdrttrrwnt of e re�alv�x fa any psrt o!Truatora RroA�rfY,anY assi0nmant ftu tho bcvaM d a�ditas.any tYPa of CnditC►wakotd.
<br /> � a fln comm�ncement ol nny prooeod'nD undef nny bankn�ptay or In:dvency 1a+vs bY ar nydnst Tnntcr.
<br /> a6sr�.♦ybotlwr rtwth«od by�4 ty croditov a1Tro s or o t�y unyspovemmenal aW�Y�SWI fnnl an�o�hs RopwlypHow�vx.�thb�sub�5e,.�tlon�6h�ir n�ot „
<br /> appry In lhe svent of a good falfh dl5pulo by Truslor os to IhB valldlty of roiso�wblonBns of iP►e ct�lm whlch Is the basls of tho fcr�Closur�or (
<br /> forole�turo ptocNd�nD,provfd6d th1�t Trustor�ivan Londer�vritten noUce of such clalm nnd fumFshes�s or a sureN bontl4or She cWm
<br /> , aatuhctoryto lendor. •
<br /> Bm�ch of OIfMr ApnMn�+►L My breaoh by Tlrunw unda tho twms of nny othw'�roa��a����«�►���ara�� .
<br /> w�hln any prac:�pedod provlded tbs�oln,In�IUSffnp�viihout HmRaUon any apreemwi
<br /> �,;�. to t,ender.wh�1hK ndsUrp now a ttler.
<br /> � Cvynta AffecUnp Ouerantor. Any ol the procs�d:n8 ovento occurn�vith respect to any duarantor of any uf ths Indsbtedness or any Ouarentor
<br /> dies ar becomes Incompetent,or rovokos ot d�pulss Ihs vNldlty of,or Ilxblilty under.nny Ouaranty of the Indebtedness. Lend�r,at Its optlon,
<br /> ; moy,bW shdl not be roquUOd to, p�rm9 tha Guunmo�a osiute to essume uncondlHorwtly tho obl}paUOn,.arislny undar the auaranty In s
<br /> . _ . . . . . ...-r-•-��..y.y !
<br /> _ '1 manner caustactory to t.enoer.ana�m oa.r�av.uwo a�o.o���..��aM.. ...._..:.---._. _
<br /> � .._ _
<br /> � RQyards Chanp�. A materLal pdy�BrF6 ohRrtD� o:Cuttt In TfU510�II fl�H11CIN COt1dIIlOn, a Lender be7loves the prospect of paYment a
<br />, i Perlormance of Ihe Indebte�lrx�ss 13 Impaktxl. �
<br /> i IItOeCUrtty. LendNr In pood talth c4�erM ttSOH InSBOUro. �
<br /> � �pht to Cuto. ��cuch a fpfitro b c�vob}e nnb 117rus10:has nol been plvon n noUco of�broach of tM samo prov�lan of thls Doed of Tnnt i
<br /> w;hln lha precodinp lwoMe(12)mon!hs.It�n�y ba ourod(and no E��eni of Oetauti wNl h�w oocurrod)M Tnnta.�tkr L�ndor c�nds wrltWn �
<br /> � not�;c dem�ndlny curo o1 such 1�kuro: (n)a�ns 1M InHUro�vilh!n Mleen(tG)da)�r►;cx (b)If the cun requlns mo�than tiM�en(16)d�ys,
<br /> Immedlotdy Initlates slops suNSClent to Curo ths(Olfuto nnd IhE�oallpr conUnues and compktes ell re�sanabl�and r�oessary steps auMclent to
<br /> � produce campilanco as aaon es roagorub.y pmcticU.
<br /> � q�(��4Yy`3 ANf�RCIYI!-3HES ON DEFAI�.T. U��n thb 000urron�e o!nny[vent of Oefaull and at sny Ume thereatter,Tnntee or�eador,nt Its optlon,
<br />� � myy s�o�pralse any one ar more of the IoGONIng rVqlr:s an0 romadses,In additlon to any othar dQhb a rorrw6ies pravlded by law:
<br /> •
<br /> � �� , -
<br /> i
<br /> � . � I
<br /> -- � .
<br /> , __ __
<br /> _ _ _ _
<br /> __ _.__� - - - ---- -
<br />