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H-�i%�.X <br /> I .. � .. - . , . ._.. . I ,. .' ;`" ;.. <br /> ir 3 <br /> ; '' Q,���gg� D�ED OF TRUST Pape 3 <br /> l.oa� No 44��8� (Continued) 97�1�)2�5'� <br /> - S <br /> `"sele a hYrssNr"rwans 11w oon��ey4nca o1 Real Prqpsrly�r eny rtpht,tlna or Inlcrc�t th.rd�;t�h�th^r IcQal,bonorcini or oqullnbla;whcther valuNary + <br /> or Involuntary;r+rtothcr by outrtpht eate,dnad,Installmunt utla contraCt,lBnd contrnat,contract(a deod,leasohold Interest wilh Y term preatw ihan =; <br /> � Ihroe (3)y�are, lonsa-0PUOn cunirtct,a by eQle,ass�nmenl,or transler of eny berwflc�a��nterosi In or to nny land trust halding tilla to Ihs Real _ <br /> t onsf e�r il o bnC udssl�chanQO/n owne ehlp�oi mae'th4nptw�ne Iry-8 etpercenl (26Y,of lhe voUnpeelockPpnrinnrBhlp Intar'esl�IGr Ilml(ed Ilab!ity � <br /> � compsny IntWate,�e th�cas�m�y b�,of Trustor. Howevsr,lhls oplion ohail rot be exerclsed by Lender II sucli oxarcise Is prohltrlted by(edernl _ <br /> lew ot by Nebraska I�w. <br /> TAXES AND LIE'?!�. Tiw foilowinp proYslun3 rclatinq to 4h�l�uG�And!!�ns on th�Properfy ere e parl 01 thls Oood of Trust. - <br /> I Paymenl. Trt�toa ehaN pay when due(end In dl svenb prla to dellnquenay)�1 hxes�aPe�le�textn�eas��nts,ehtrQee(Indudinp wdK <br /> � and sew��,8nes and imposlllon�levled�palnst or on accouM ol the Prope�N�end a1w��paY when due eY ctalms fa wak dorM on or(a <br /> � int��1 o Lart�r undar th�ls Ofeed of Trust�axapl fa he INntof taxas a dntafb n�tMrrw^h not due�nd I IwtoePt�ot�FtepiwlsY Rrovidad i�n Ihls Dead <br /> i o}TNSt. <br /> qight To Cont�at. Trusta may wllhhdd peyment of eny tax,assessmenl,a ctalm In conrwction wilh a Qood httfi d�p��o��r the ob!!p_!�on <br /> to lonp as Lendw's Interest In tho Propariy kz no!Jeopardized. If e Ilsn af^.,ers a!s filed aa a resuit�i nonpfiymunl,Trustor shnd w:th!n i <br /> finoan(16)day4 art�r tM Iien arlsas or��f��ien Is flkd,withln firieen(16)dAys aAer Trustor has notfce Of tlw fiAnp,sacure lhe discha►p�01 Uw . <br /> {{�n,or If roquestqd by Lendo►, deposli wiih Lender cash or a nutHcient corpor4le surety bond a othor securtlY aadsfactnry!o Lend�r In tn <br /> smount suNlcianl to d�.scharpe the Nen plus any costs and ettomeys'tees or othot Charpes that could flcCru�es�tesult ot l lorec�ostx�or oale <br /> und9r tM Nen. In any contesl,Trustar ahaH d8lend itself and Lc3ndat and sheN satlsfy Qny adverae Judpmenl beTore snforcemenl apnlnst the <br /> � Prop�rty. Truala shaH nart»Lender as an addiUonal oblfQee undsr eny eurety bond furnSShed In the contest procoe�inps• <br /> EviO�nt�ol P�rm�r►t. Trusta shall upon derr�and turnfsh to Lender saUSfactory evidence ot payment o}tlw taxes or Qusessmanks and shall <br /> aulhori�thi�ppropriate yov�nmental otfictal to deliver to Lsnder at any tlme�written statertwnt ol tho 18xes and assessrtwnb eGa�nst the • �y� <br /> . Pto�rry. .,., - <br /> �e p}��{bn. Trustw sh�t notity Lendsr at lesst fiRxn(16)days befae nny work Fs com�A�anY seav�es�ro twntsl�d�a�ny <br /> . � mqTn�ab ua=upWWd to IM Property�H any m�chadc's Men, mttedntm�n's Wa, u otlw Mm couid i�9 assortad an socount o4 ttN wak. � � <br /> ser�ACeg,pr rngtett�ls. Trustor wIN upon roquest of Lender fumish to Lender advinc0 essuranoes setlstaatorY to Lender that Tnutor Can irni wlll �Y't Y <br /> PaY the Cosl W euch ImproWmen�. � _ <br /> pRapERTY DA/AA(iE INSURANCE. The totlowinp prov�slons retnUng to Irtstxinp the ProPertY�ue a paA ot lNis Oeed of Trust. • "�_� <br /> �F:-. . <br /> 1 UAY�Un�nca of tnwrr�.Trusfor sheN Rrocure and melntaln polcles ot Ifre Insu►snce w11N skndard extended coverepo endorsements on a .�;,--= <br /> rplacement btsb(or the fuH Insurobb value Coverinp YM Improvements on the fieet Property in nn amount aufHcient lo avdd nppNc�don of any <br /> cdnsuranes dause,and wilh a stpndnrd mortpupeo dause In fava of Lender. Trusta shall otso procure and mnlnLin comprehensive ponwa� : �,� <br /> ItaWAty tnsurance in such cover4po amounb as Lendar rru�y request with trustee�nd Undx balnp rumad 1t�addi8on�l lnsurods in such Ii4bYity ��` <br /> insurancs pd4cles. Addlyon�lty,Trustor aha�l maintain such other iruuranco.�odudinp but not Amitad to hanrd,business Interruptlon.tnd ��,�}� <br /> bdler Insurana,u Lw�der may reasannbN roQ�. Pdidos shal be wrqlon In tam,tmounb,coveraflas end basts reaaonsb•Y�cceP1�W�to <br /> ' Lendar trtd issued by a company a companies reasonsbty aoceptabte to Lender. Trusta,upon roquest of Lunder,wfM dN�ver to l.�nd�r Bom <br /> ' tlmo to tlms the poNClo�or cerUfic�Ios of�nsurcnoe In torm saUsfactory to Lendtr,indudinp 811putaUons that coveropes wiM not ba canoelled ot <br /> diminfsh9d without at least ten(�O)anys`Priar wriiien no'ocu iv i.a�wor. �ts trN�r.;o^p�,w;°-�-C►_hnu I��riw an cndotsertleni pPOV1dInO tI14t -- _ __, <br /> cpvpraQo In hvor of Lsnder w}ft not be impakod In any way by�ny act,omtsslon or deiauR ot Trustor or any other p�son. Should the Re�l � ; r <br /> � Prop�rry at any tlm�bocome located in tn orea doslpnaled by the Dkecta of th�Foderal E�merperx:y Man�pom�nt Apuncy as a spscW Ilood ;! , . <br /> tl � <br /> ����� h e r a r d e n a.T r u s t u��t o o b 4 d n a n d m a l n t r Jn F�derat Fload Irssuranco tor Ihe tuN unpald prirtcdpul Ioslana of!M loan.up to th�rtw�dum `� : .�,.:��'.' ' <br /> 'i D�Y Hmits set undw the NQUonal Flood Insumnco Propram,or aa otherwiso r�equked by Lender,an d to R�i n t t in a u c h t r q u n�n c e(o r l h e t c x m a f • , :;,••, s <br /> tho loan. • ��'•� <br /> pppytc�p}poocwds. Trustor shall promptly notlty Lendxr of nny Ioss a dtmt�lo the PropeAy. Londer may mako Proo!of toss M T►wtor ,.;�. • i. �� � <br /> th�o�doce�ds of any Insurina and�ppry t��to th�roduo�on of tho In�bt�d�.P�Y��any�liw�atNcilnp ttw Prop�rty��or�th9 �-,;�� >r � 1 i <br /> rKtontlon and npak o(th�PropertY• li L�ndor sNcls to apPN th�procwd�to ratontlon�nd nP�'�Tnxta th�M npair o►nDi�o�Ih� f:�,.. <br /> d�mep�d or d�atrayrod ImprovertNnb In a rtKener eaHstectory to Und�r. L.endK fhaY�uPon udsf�ctorY Proot of suah c�ap�ndituro�Wy or � <br /> nlmbus�Tniator kom ih�prooMda!a lh�naton�bM Cost of rpek or rostontlon k Trusta b not In dNtult undu thk D�f W Tnut. MY <br /> prpcads wWch hav�not 6wn dlsbws�d wltNn 180 days atter thek r�cebt an0 which L�ndsr hts not commitl�d to ttN np�ir a nstaaMon of ,�.-, ' �.�.. <br /> � �hs prppe�ty ahaB t�ussd hst to pay any amount owlnp to Lend�r under this Dwd d Tnni,then to pay nocrt►�d In1�rYSt,�nd th�nmUnd�r,M j,.,.; � �; <br /> � � eny��sh�N b��pplMd to th�prtndpd ba{tnC�of tha InciYbtedness. ff Lonckr hdds any proceeds aRer pi►ymMt In fuN ot tIM Indo6tadM�s.such ;.,f � � <br /> proceods aheN be pald lo Trustor�c Trustor's Int�nsts maY�PR+v ' �- <br /> �:• U�os�k�d In�Nnnq N SW. My un�sired Instxarx�ah�l Inure to tho berwlN o!.tnd ptas to,the purctupr of tM PrttpMy cownd bY Ihb . . - �r <br /> . :� °! D N d d T r u a i a t a n y tr u c t a�'a s a W or other sal�hWd undor ths provblons N thb�ood of Trust.or at any/orodosun nM d auCh Property ti , ; ,T� <br /> . �f' . ;•��;��:'' ::��'• <br />.. � �^«7��a I��n0�(a)t�hs rKtms of tM Insurer; (b)M risks I�nsund: (o)t�he�tmount of fh�pvGa�, (d)�tt�aW'opKNlrkund, 'Y:� ���e� <br /> ' t;.,t <br /> � iho ih�n curront ropkcament vtlue ot such prop�rty�and the manner of delermi�np ohat valua:and (e)the expkatlon date W th�poNcy. �,.,; .. � <br /> ��'�� Tpr.u�stor shaN,upon raqtwst ot Lendar,have an Independent appre.�ser s�tlsfactaY ta Landar datamlrN tM caah valw repyca►r�+t cat of ltw � <br /> :;���.�...".. <br /> ��rF�• �I�'�"_'_.__�1 <br /> E1�QlDlTURES BY LE?iDER. It Trustor fells to compfy wRh any provtston of ihis Desd cl Trust,a It any aatlon a pr000adlnp b commenced thnt ���-_ <br /> would matalaMy aNect Lenders Interests In the Property.Lender on Trusta's bah�lt maY�but ahell not bs requlred to,Wc�any acNon tFwt L�t�► • <br /> doertr�epproprlata. My amount ihat Lw�der expends In ao ddiep wIN bear Intarast at ttw aio pro�ided ta In tiw No1a hom tM dat�Incurr�d or p41d ',.,.,, <br /> by Londsr to ths dats d npaym�nt byTnnta. A1 cuch�ensa�,at Land�e optlon�will (a)bo payabN on Wmand, (b)M�dd�d to tM brknw •-;� <br /> � � of the Note and ba appoNaned amonp and hs ptyebN xrlth any Inst�llment payrn�nts to becoms du�durfnp NthK p)tho Mrm of any app8c�M1 <br /> I�au�anca pollcy or (W)tt�nmNNnp Iwm of ttw NoN,ar (o)be traakd as n balloon paym�nt whkh wIN be du�and paychW d llw Not�'�m4lurity. � , <br /> TMS[3eed of Tniat also wiN secu�e peyment of these amounts. Trie rlphts proNded fa In thle paraQraph shall bs In tdditlon to ony ottwr rlphta or eny � � ; 1,.�,:,. <br /> remodles to wt�ICh Lender may be enUHed on account o1 tl�e detautt. Any such actlon by.Lender stwH not bs construed es curinp tho dotautt so as to <br /> bcv landa from ony remedy that ft atherwise woutd havn had. , <br /> W/,FipAyTy:pEFENSE OF TITLE.Tha foCowlnp provtslons retaUnp to ownrxshlp ol the Propnrty eue a pe►10!IfYS Deed of Trusf. ;,:'., <br /> ny0. Tru.rtOr wartAnls tlut: (a)TrUStpr hdds pood nnd m�rtceffibte tltb ot reCad to tho Properiy In fga slmpl9,iree flnd Clear of 811 Ilens end :,`•;; <br /> �umbrancas other Ilxn lhos�sN talh In the Fimal Property desalpUor►a in�ny tltN Insurancs P�Y���nP�.a�����n��In � <br /> favar of.artd accoptsd by.Londer In connmctlon u�th tNa Doed d Tn�st,nruJ (b)Tru�ta hss lM fl�N ryihl,Odxar,�nd sutho�ftfi to ox�cut�tn� i <br /> dolwr thk DMd W 7nKt to L�ndlr. ' ' , , , <br /> p�}�of TIM�. SubNcl to tM�xcptlon In tho panpr�ph abave.Tnptor wurArns arxJ wiq torewr detond tta tltle to tM PraA�rtY�paln�tM �-,, <br /> kwful d�lme of W p�rsons. In tM swnt any actlon or procoedlrKi b comrtrnc�J W9 qWStlom 7n►stora Utb a the In3Kaet o!Tru3tem a �. <br /> LanWr uodK thb DNd of'irust.TrustOr 6haM daFond:M tctlon at Tru3ta'e axWnse. Tnrstor may bs th�nomlrul parfy ln wCh procsedlrg,but � <br /> londa shnM be entltkd to particlPato In tho procoedinp�nd to be rePresenkd tn the proCeedfnp by counsel of lsnders own chdce,4nd <br /> Tr�tor vu►N dWivar,or cau5a lo b�doYvarad�to Lo�d�such Instruments as Looder m¢Y reQuest trom ilmo b Ume to pxmlt such pa►id.�pstlon. <br /> 3 C�mqt�fc�yV1;h Laws. Trusta wunnb It�t ttN Proporty and Tnrsto�s us� Of tIW PfOpMly CC►�PW9 Y'Rtfl�11 �as��p�PP�vii w:.�, � <br /> aWnancoe�and npulaUons of povw�mantal tuthalUos. <br /> CO?lOEMNATION. Ttie idlowlrp provfslom relatlnp to Condemmtlon procoedlnps ue a part o1 thls Deed ot Tnisl. <br /> Appike!{oe�04!Nt ProcNds. If aN a any put of fhe Prop�rlY is condemred by eminoN domaJn proceedlnps or by�nY{xawdlop or : <br /> � purchnae In Ibu o1 condomnaflon,Landor may ai its elecaon roquke fhnt sll a��y porWn of the not proceeds of ttw 1�werd be app'�ed to t1w <br /> �ndoDtOdnost or tho npak or rostaaUon ol lha Properly. T�w ne�Procaads of Iho award shaN mean tno award ofler payment of aN reesonabla <br /> � cos�,ex�SOnaW3,nnd uttomoys'hos Incurred by Tru3t�or Lender In connectlon wlth tPw condemnation. <br /> ProcMdinpa ff any procoodlnp In condsmnaUOn b f,l�d,Tr�ta SheH promptly nrUy Londer In vv�l:na,and Trustor sh�N prompUy tako such <br /> s�sp��s may be nocossary to dofend the actlon end obu�n the eward. Tn�ta mny bo lhe nominal pArt�+In auch procaedlnp,but Lender shaM <br /> be snllt{ed to particlpato In lhe prc►ceediny nnd to bo reprosenlad in the proceedlnp by courael M fb own cholce,and Trustor win deNver or , <br /> ' rsuse to bo dellversd lo Londer such Inshumen�s u may be requested by It from Nmo to Umo to permtt such pa�fclpnUQn. � <br /> I IINPOSITIO?l OF TAXES,FEES AND Cl1AFtG�S BY GOVERNME'NTAI.AUTMORITIEB. The fdlotivtnp RrovfsJOns rel�tlrp to povemme�lal�axes� i <br /> I • s ' , <br />