<br /> . • . .;'•. ��i},,,`�°;�'�-
<br /> . •%i.i,�;�:;;-
<br /> . - � � �'-
<br /> � �
<br /> I � DE�D OF TRUST Pepa 6 _
<br /> ; . oa..�aa1!�97 Contlnued) 9?-- 1�'24i`7
<br /> Lonn fdo 440a(i4 ( =
<br /> � == � ;
<br /> nccoiomuos� uoa�oorz3�,cr, Addiilon���redf�a. ��any ov�nt of d�fauil ocoure a3 p9r Iho torms of Iho Noto Bt3cured hereby,LenrJw may
<br /> � tlou�aro nu Indobla�nosn aacured by thls Ooed of Trust lo be duE+end paynbb and the cam�ehau thereupon become due a9d paynbb w�lhaut �
<br /> � nny prctsant���onl,domand or prot;.at ot cny lclnd. Yheroaller,Lend�r rruY: :
<br /> �r
<br /> I (p) Ellhw In poreon a by apenl,with a withoul brinpinp any aclfon a procaedlnp. a by e rocolver aPPdntod by e court and v�ilhout 4
<br /> rApard ta Iho udaquw:y of Its ewcurity,ontAr upon and tske possesslon ot tF�e PropeAy,a any part lhereol,in Its own rtame or In Ihe rame
<br /> i at Trustee,nn�do any acts whtch I!daome necossary or deslr4bte to prsaarw tFw vnlw,marketabllity a rontabl!iry of the Properiy,or part
<br /> a}Iho f'roporly or Intt�oat In Ihe Propwty;InCreaso fhe InCOrM kom the Prop�Ay or prateCt the security of Ihe Property;and,wlth or wHhout
<br /> � laldnp po�lon at lh� Properly,�us fo►a otherw�se cotlxct the ronts,Issues and p�ofits of the Prespertyr,Inciuding those pxst due and
<br /> unpald. and npply tl�e�ame,less cosb and wqsensas af opxaUon and cdlocllon,Includlny ettorneys'fees��o rny Indsbtadnws cccurcd
<br /> by Ihis Daed of Truaf,all In s�kh ader as Lender mey de�ermlae• 7►►e ente�ing upon and taklnp possesslon of tha Properiy,the cd�ectlon
<br /> o}nuch ronl�. Is�uaa and pro6ts,end tho appllcatlon Ihereof shnll not cure a waive�ny default or noUce of defaull undor thts Oeed of Trust
<br /> ar Invttlidele tlny aet dane In response to such detaull or pursuant to euch noUce ol detault; and, nohvlthstandlry lhe contlnuan0o in
<br /> cnixorclso�overy�pht proNd d far'hn the Note nr the Rpelatod O�pumetnb or'by i�w p n�lhe o�xurtenca a}eny e ant�defaWtbndudinp tM
<br /> � right fo�xaciso Iho powcer af suie;
<br /> (b) Commonr,o nn ar.tlan to foroclose ihls Oeed ol Trusl as a mor4gap�,nppolni a receiver or speclticallY enface any of the covenants �
<br /> hor�oh nnG I • '
<br /> (o) Deliver ta TNSioe a wditen Qociarotlon of doffiuit end demand for sate and a w�ilten notice af default and eiseunn lo cause Trusta's ,�,:F'
<br /> Inferest in Ih�Pro�aortyr to be Sdd,wh�h nottce Trusteo stiaA cause to be duly filed fw rocord in the appropriato o�icas ot the County In '_�;.,.,., ._
<br /> ,�: .:
<br /> wh�h 1hoProne�ly talocated;snd ,;�. �
<br /> (d) Nlitht�pecl to elf or ony purt Ot the Personel Property,Lender shail have aU the riyhts and remedles of a socurad party under the ,,.;Y�I.`..,
<br /> NebnlslcallnHam Comm6�ctal Code. � .. , };`:�;;,;;�
<br /> ' �flsc�;;Rs�ro!rj Pes:et o!��. !!Lentlet elecls to foreGose by exercise of the Power of Sale herein contalned,Lender shall noA(yr Trustee and . �.; ';� �;.;�,�; �,
<br /> shail doposit�dlh Trusioe this Deed of Trust end the Nole and such recetpts end eWdence of expenditures made and secure�t�y this Dsed af �_.;;,;'S .. „
<br /> TrustasTru�teamsyroquire. ,� ';� I}
<br /> (a) Upon rocr�lpl cst ouch notice hom Lender,Trustee shnil cause to be recorded.published and delivered to Trustor auch Notiw of DefauH `.,•'� � •
<br /> and Notla ot S�la a1 then roquksd by law nnd by thia Deed oi TnuL Tnute�slwU.wlthout demand on Truator,triw auCh Iime as mey ��,;>, ;.'�`;i'S!+r
<br /> then be roquired by luw and aMar recordatlon o(auch Noda ot Dafault nnd eAOr Nodce of SaM Fwvin9 bsen(,�fwn as nquk�d by law,aeil .,;._ti;; ',•;:
<br /> the I�ropedy a�Ihm Ume ond ptace of sate fixed by it in auch Nutics of Sala,eithx as�whole�or In separate lob or parcob or Heme es � ' '� �
<br /> Trusleo ahall da�m o;q>edWnt,tnd In such order�s tt rtwy datormi:�,tt publla eucUon to the hlphes4 bldd�►tor cath in kwtul morNy of ;;�• � ,�,..._'_'
<br /> the UMtod Stales payubN at the 8me of aaln. 7rusteo snalt de►IVOr to such purches�a purchesaa thxeo��ts 0�and auMldsnt d�d or , � , ;�, `
<br /> deads Convaylnp tha propwty eo 6dd,but wfthout rny Covoneni or wnrranty,wcpross a ImplWd. The recitals In such dood of any mattas
<br /> or kcta ah¢U be conduslve proo}of the truthfulness lhedaof. Any person,Including without Iimitapon Trusta,Tn►stee,or Lond�r�maY ��' . r—�
<br /> purch�o Qt 3uch�a�a. , ��..�+�' .
<br /> (q) ptt moy 6o pc�eiNlfod by Iaw,atter deducUng ali costa,(ees end e�enses of Tru.sla and oi thts Trust,indud(rp cosb o!ovldonoa of - �
<br /> tltia ln cannectlon �NUi sale,Tn�stee ahaM�ppty ttw proceeds ot sate to payment of (i)�II sums expendad under tha lerms of thls D�ed of ,,
<br /> � - i rusi or wiu�i finv i'a��.�:2ho`:.^.t�st0!lh�••ss r:.,^!d.4n!�!��eitry�h�d nnt Iimltod IO iCCfUYd IM0�051 ilid Il�O ChYfQ9S� (II)aN other sums then _�.,�; _ �
<br /> securod herobY�n�d(iiq iho ramalnder,lf any.to lh�Person or persans lepab�ntltl�d lhereto. •. �:�`:.i
<br /> '� , .'�� '�'� � �: .
<br /> ,� (o)Truslee moY In liui manner provldod by law postpone sale ot all a any pation of the Property. r a; ..
<br /> � Aemedks Nol L-'�icWqve. Trustae and Lendor,and esch ol tiwm,shall be en4lUed to onface payment and per�ortnanoo of any Indebtednesn f '0' '
<br /> or obllpaAonl securad by thls DBed of Trust and fo exercl58 all hb and powers under thls Deed o}Trust,undar the Noto,und�t eny W the f�
<br /> � ,�::
<br /> . . . fiolnted Doaument�,or under tny olher�preement or tny kws now or herea8er in foros�notwithstandfnp�earn�a aN of such Indebtednoss , � '�
<br /> � nnd oblpations s.oauvd by thb Deed of Trt�t may now or he�eafler he otherwise yecured,whethsr by matyaqe,de�d of lrust.Ptedpe�Ibn, � �,;,�;
<br /> ncsl pnment a othawl.v.Ne�ther the acceptance of thb Deed af Trust na Ils erfacement,whether by court tcUon or purauant to thct powar of „;�
<br /> ..� eale a olher powen cnntafncd in thFS Deed of Tnnt,shall preJudfa or In any maruNr�Ifact Trus t e o's a U n d ws d p h t t o r e�N x o u pon ar ., ' ,
<br /> _ � onlarce eny oth�c socurNY now or h�raafler held by Tructeo or Landor,it balnp apraod thof Trusteo and LencJer,a�d aach d thom,shall be . „
<br /> ontitlad lo onlorco Ihl� Oe�O o�Trust�nd any olher socurlty now on c�renfter held by Land�r or Tnrstee In tuch ordot and manrt�r n ttay a
<br /> • � d t h a r o f I h o m m a y I n t i w l r a b s d u k d i s c r o 4 o�d e t e r r n l r w. No re rt w d y conterred upon a resaved to Trus4aa cr Landsr,b inbnd�d to b� �" ' ?�� �':i
<br /> � oxduslve ot any otMr romody In this Deed of 7rust a by law providad or permitted,but aeah shall be cumu l a tive an d s h�N N I n t d d tl o n t o
<br /> � overy o11wP rom�dy ylven In thls Daed ol Trust or now a hereatter e�dstlnp at law or tn iquity or by statute. Ewry pow�t or nm�dy ylwn by tM � ��'
<br /> Nota or any of tl�f�as�t�d Oocuments to Trust�a Lender or to wNch �Ilhar ol ttNm may be otherwlw enUWd, rtuy b�s�urctaod� �;..,,;.,;;��
<br /> concurteutty a IradapsndunUy,irom NrtM to timo and as oAen as may bs deartwd �edknt by Trusieo or I.ender, and Mtl►K of th�m m�y �`_
<br /> � . � purtw Inconsletanl rorne�ies. NothlnQ in lfifs G�d of Trust ahaY be construed as prohlbitlny Lende►from sa�kirty a do1lcMray ludpr►�nt —�••--
<br /> opdnst the Tnntor b ttto 4xt�nt auch�ction b permilwd by 4w. • ��%����q
<br /> � IS wN 1=0►Noflce. T�uator�on behatf of 7nnta xnd L.wiCer�Mrsby raQuesb that�copy of�ny NoUc�of D�hult and a copy of any Noxce .���+:``;,_.Y
<br /> �,�
<br /> � �undor IMs D�e d o�Tnn t b o m a N a d to t h 6m a t t h�a d d r e s s o s s�t f o r t h I n t h�M s 1 p a n�p h o f t h i a D N d d T r u s t. �. ,�` '�'
<br /> l Y a W a{EJ�ctlon of i�«rt�dNa. A walvK by anY D�Y d a bresch of a provislon of tWt Dad ot Tnnt�haM not constHub o wdvtr of a � • , ,`x4;�r.'`-.�
<br /> ' projudbe tho party�e ri�hts othwwl5�to dom4nd strict compYana wHh thtt prov[siion a any o t M r pro v i s ion. E W c U n n b y L a n d x t o p u r a u e a n y �. ,•.'F..
<br /> • romody provldod In Ihia Dead ot Trust,tha Nots,�n�ny Fiel�ted Document,or providod by law shall not ucdude pursuR of�ny o1Mr nnwdy, ;
<br /> nnd en Moctlon to mnko axpandituros a to fak�acUan to pMiam an obNpaBon o!Tnata under thls Ds�d o!Tnut atlrr taNun of Tnula to .�;. - "
<br /> '' paAorm eh�ll not alhat I.nnd�r'�ripht to dsdan a eie(tult and to ex�ciss any oY Hs rortadle�. � ,, �`,.�T
<br /> ' Aitomqra'tNR•hxp��u�s. ti L�ndar Iratltutas any sult or acUan to�nforca 4ny a?Uw tama of thts Deed of Tnrst,LantlK ahtM b��ntltlod to
<br /> • p Wh�tMr or not any couA acUon is .
<br /> r000ver euch euen es tha court may adJudp�reasorwbfa�s atlomeys'tses at ttal tnd on n�nY appeal• �� ,..
<br /> ,� Invotved,all rMSOnoble a�ns��ncumd bY�ondor which In Lenders opinbn u� n�c�suy a�any tlme ta tiw protoctlon d its InUnst a the �
<br /> • oMorc�nt M ita�q►�tn shall becom�a part of 9he Indebtodness payabte on demand And shail bear Interest st the Nob nte from tM date oi '':�r:
<br /> � mcpandituro wlil ropntd. Exportses covered by 9hb pirayraph Inciuda,w8hout 8mit�tlon,hovwvor subJect to any Nmlts undef appliCabM kw, ,�_�.
<br /> Londera nttansys'iorn whether or not thero ts a tawsWt.Includiny attortieys'tees fa bankruptcy procee0lnps(Indudnp eBats to maiiy a � ;•t��_,,
<br /> ' � vncato any aulomnllc sWy a InJunciion), eypeais and eny antldpatod post-Judflment coitectlon servbes, the cost of ssnrchinp roco�ds.
<br /> , oblalnlnp tiUe ropals Qnduding toreclosure reports),surveyors'reports,eppralsal I�ees, Htle insurenee,and tees for tho Trustec+,to the extenl ; `•r,
<br /> • . pormlltod by opplhabte law. TrtestOr also will Pey any caurt costs,ln addlUon to all other sums proNdod by Iaw.
<br /> ClldtfU o4 TN�toe•Truslee shta haw e11 ot the riphb and duries of Lender as set forth in this sectbn. .
<br /> 1►01VI�.RE3 AND 06L![3ATlOYS OF TRUSTE�. Ttw tc�Wwlnq Drovis!orts relnUnp Qo the powe�a end obliy�tlons of Trustee ue P�ot thls Oeod ot
<br /> Trt�at.
<br /> I�oware ot Tma2M. In tddillcn to aN powera of 7rustee odslrq as 4 ma►�er ot law,Trustw sheN have the power to tatce the 1cAOwlnp ectlons .
<br />- > >vith ros�oct lo tho Propx4y upon 1�e written roquest of l.ondsr pnd Truslor. (a)Join In propariny and t1Unp a map or plat of the Raal ProperN� ,
<br /> Including iho dediutlon ot streob a other rtphts to ihe pub�C; (b)Jdn In pranUnp any easement a crenUnp any reatrlctbn on fhe Aeal PropertY
<br /> � and (o)Jo:n In nny subadi�atlon or other o9reement attocUrq thts Dead of Tnut or thllnterest of Londer under thls Oeod of Trust. ., .
<br /> � � .�„n.�u_....,....r.��,..T,.�e��..,n�n.V,tirshe mur. In additlon to the tiahFs and romedies set torth above, �
<br /> _ ' Iflltf�. IfU71��0i1iw�i�ooilu��lw..v�w.w..y....�.�. .. r .. � .
<br /> ' ' with rospr�ct la ali a nny part of tiie F�roperty,the Tnntee shall have tha r1'pht to foredoso by noUce end sAle,and Lender ahan have tho rqnt ao I
<br /> loroctoso by ludiclal for�clo5ure,in alther casa In accordance with and to tiw tuN�nl prodded by appi�abte Inw.
<br /> � Sucawor Tnts2eo. Undar,�t Lander's opNOn,mey irom tlrtw to Ume appdot o suocessor Tnrsteo to nny Trustea appdntsd hereunder by an �
<br /> Instnrment ux�cuted a�nd�Glcnowlodped b�Lender and reco�dad In tha oMco of the rocordYr of HALI.County,Nebraska. The�nsWmenl shaN
<br /> contoln,It� eddiL+on to UI other m�8ero roquked by e1atQ lew,the nomos o!tM oripinal Lender,Trustee,nnd Trusta,the book and pape(a
<br /> compula►sKl�m nfenna)whsn tMs Deed of Trust b rscorded,and tM eame and cdd�s ot the euccassor trustae,and the tnswmenl sha9
<br /> ;�' ba oxaouted�nd�dc�owtedpsd by UI the berretict�rks undef the Deed W Tnnt or Ihek s�aaa In Interesl. Trie auccessor trustee�w�thout
<br />- � convoynnc�ot t�Proporty ahaN succeed to u11 the IiUe,power,and duties confemed upon the Trustae In Ihls Deed of Trust and by eppltcabb
<br />=:;, Iaw. Tnls procedue tor eubsUtutlon of trustee shal!povem lo the oxdu�lon of nH other p�nvfslorq for subs8tulion.
<br /> ' It071CGJ TO TRUSTOR/WD OTF�R PARTIES. Any notfcv undor this Deed ot Trus!aheN bo In writlr►g,may be be sent by tetehccsimlNe,end shaN
<br />--� ba oHeafiv�wfNn latuUy dNiv�arod�or when depaslled wlih e nntionalry recognized ovarNghl cowllr,or,IS m�lled,ahaM be doemed eflecHve when
<br /> dsp�sftaci In lM UMted States mrN t6rs1 class,cer�itl�sd a toplstered maf1,postapa prepald,dkxted to the addresses sho�+vn neu the boglnMnp of �
<br /> lhs Dead ol Tru�l. My pa�ty may chanpe Its address la noUcas under thfs Deod ot 7rusl by yiviny I�rn4A�rrl�rt nollce fo the other pa�iies,
<br /> , • I
<br /> __ ,
<br /> - - - —..I_ _ - _ . _ __--
<br />