� ';
<br /> , , �
<br /> 04-o�-1S87 DEtD O�TF��ST Pa�°� � - _
<br /> Loan No 448464 (Con4lnued) 9?-r �a24�7 �-
<br /> _ _.—.— - , �,�
<br /> `�Ir�ipro�ere�ta 7ha���ord"Improv�msnb'm°an�nnd Includt��'�ilhuui IImILt!on el exlaUnq nnd futuro Improvsrr�n9, bWdtnpe,structicrao, �
<br /> moblle nomes eMx�d an tho R0a1 Propa�ty,focNltas,additlons,roplacemenb and aiher construcUOn an tha Rwl Properly. I �A
<br /> In4f4t�dMSS. qho wor�"Indabtodn�ss'msaru aN princlpal�nd intaroal pnyabW undar tlw Nou and any amounta ex��ndad w tdvance�bY
<br /> LondK to dFscharpa oblipatlons o1 Trusttx a wcpom¢a Incurnd Gy Trusteo or Lender to onloro�obtipetians oi Trustor undar Ihls Uoad o1 Truct, r
<br /> topother wlth Intwestit on euch nmounh3 as provl�d In lhb O�ed o1 Tr�t. In additlon to th� Nota,tl►�wad'Indebt�dn�aa'Inc�udas�ll i ��
<br /> obYgaUam,dabb�nd uablutiss,plw Intarsst tMreon,of Trustor to Lsnda,or any one a mors ol lhsm,as w�ll as RII cWms bY 6ondar opninst I �
<br /> Trusta,or nny ora a mora of ttrom,whothw now oxlsflng or h�roafter arisln0.whetlwr rolated ur unrolatod to th�puryot� d Ilw Noto,wlwthar
<br /> vWunt�try er othenN•,e,whethvr dtw ot not dus,nbsfllute a Coniinpent,Ilqulduted or un1'.quld6tod and whather Trustoa may bo ItabW Indivldualty �
<br /> a�dntry with othwa,wMthsr oblipatad Qe pwrantor or otherwlsa,and wheiher recovaxy upon such Ind:vt:dn::a rt�y b�n•r h.rczR:r m�y �
<br /> becomo bart�d by any at�tul� of Ilmitatlons, Qnd wlwthw such Indebtedness may be a heraatter rtwy become o�herwfs� urNnforcoabN. I ,
<br /> (Inillal Hbre � SpeciNcaBy,without Nmltntlan,thb Deed of frust secures,ln nddilion to the omounts ape�GECd In the Nots,UI
<br /> tuture Ymounb Lender In Ib dlscrotlon rrwy toan to TNStor,togelher wlth efl interest Ihereon;however,In no event shUl such future Bdvances ; �
<br /> (excludinp Interest)exCeed In lhe aQprepate 312li,000.00. '
<br /> LM�de►. TT►e word'Lender'menrrs UNITED N�BRASKA BANK,Its st�cessors end asslpns.
<br /> Kots. n,e wora^r�ote° ex�sro�s,m�od,�nons e�n a'��1,and�sptiluUon'slor lh�a1Notat �hasmOtOO�Odmtoof ihh Deed of Tr�� I
<br /> toyethet wlth aN re�ew4h, •
<br /> Mflrch 1,2000. `.
<br /> Peraonal Property. The words'Porsonal Proporty'meYn all equigmont, Rxtures,and othcu ert►cku of personal prop�ly now or hereefter
<br /> owned by Trusta, and now or hercattor otfscYad or afflzed to the Real Property;�ogether with all aocesslons, p�s. a�d edditions to,flu �il
<br /> � roptacartwnb of,nnd ail substlt�@ans tor,any of�uch property; and baet►wr vi1Sh pU prc:owds (Indudtrva withoN��N411on iN InsuranC� �f F
<br /> procoeds and nlunds o}pranlums)kom my saM or otfia dispoattlon W th�PropKty.
<br /> .. PropNty.Th�wad'Prop�t�m�ans ooM�c'throN tM Ral Prop�rty and fh�P�nonal Rroperty. I
<br /> ,� intarests and riphis descrt�ad Above In the•Co�.vay�nca tnd OranP soctlon. •`����
<br /> ��:�,� RW F7�:rSy. Tha uar�'RsJ Prepertyl'm�n ths Ma?�A'. • �-�
<br /> RetMW ppcum�nt�. Tho wads'Ratrtad DoCUmants" mean and Indude wilhnut lir�dta8on oA prom�ssary notes,cra�ll aproemenh. lotn �
<br /> aproemonts,envkor►mentnl�preom�nts.pwrantks,securilY aproem�nts.mwtp�pea�t{oach�4 b�mt.and a9 ot}►i►I�turte�nb�sprwmsnb and .A
<br /> documanb,whethar now or hereatf�r e�ds8np,execufad In aonn�ctlan wHh lM Indobtedrooss. ' � � �"�
<br /> • �tM►t�. The wad'FWnb'means dl pnsont and futun ranLs.revonuos.Incame�Fssues�royalt�es�Profl�,ctnd otl�r bers�fl�tserivs�d hom ihe ' ��iro
<br /> Pr�y. ��#,; -
<br /> TNStae.The wad'Trustse'means UNtTED NEBRASI(A BANK+�nd any substltulo a sua:0ssor tru�tees• � '� -
<br /> ,�;'. TN�tar.The wad"Trustor'means any and all perso�and entldes e�wcuUnp thhc ONd af Tn;�1,Indudlnp v�ithrut Nmnetlan ull Trustors named ��.
<br /> . ebov�e. �•�, `
<br /> SS
<br /> I
<br /> . ON THE FOLLOWIN�TEAMS: _ .�_.
<br /> � PAYME7iT AND PEFiFOPiMAMCE. ExcoPt as othKwfso P�ovldod In 11As Dwd of Trust�Tnista ahnM WY to l.�nd�r a,amounls aacuwa by ina i»od � _--- � .
<br /> of Tnnt as tt�y bacomo dua,and stwll stricty and In a tlmety manner perform all of Trtr.;tors obli�yatlor�under tta H��ta.thb Dead of Tnest,and the
<br /> Relat�d Oocuments. ��
<br /> � '� �, POSSESSlON�lID MAINTE?IAliCE QF 17f P�OPE7iTY. Trustor aprees thnt Trustors po�c�sslon and usa m1 iht�Prope�ty sh4H W povern�d by ,;' ��
<br /> the tolowing Pravislons: '
<br /> �t.����
<br /> ppwsNon and li�. Until the occurrence of tn Ewent of Dehult,TruStor mty (n)romNn In posses�.�on and Centrd ot the Propaty, (b)uss, .� ;� ;;
<br /> ', c�wate a man�pa ths Property,and (c)coMect nny Renb hom ti�e Property. �' ,
<br /> , Duty to Maintak�. Trustor sl�aN malntatn the PropsrtY In fenantaGk condftlon tnd pramptry porfam aa rePRJrs,�L�rt���s^d m�InNrKna E . �� }
<br /> neoessary to pres�w tts vatue. �� ,�` ,
<br /> ,•,• t
<br /> � !. Hmrdous S�bWna�. TM Sarrtn'h�sardow wasw"tu�zacdous substarwe�d11Poa�l�1'NMS��and 1hmi�n�d r�IMN:�ut t�wd!n Ws -. '�
<br /> . DNd ol Tnnt.�h�Y haw tM sart�m�adnps as sN lorth In th�CompwhensNY Cn�iranmonW R�spons�,Cor.p�nlUlo�4�tnd U�bAMy Ati of . .,,;�,,,.
<br /> 1980.�s art�r�d�d�12 U.S.C.Spctlon 9601,�t seq.('�CERCIA�.the Superiond M�nndmsnb and Ftaauthcrantbn Act d 1988� Pub.L.No. „ '��'.
<br /> �� 99-499��l�FiA�,th�Ft�sardous M�fwloFS Tnnsportalbn A�c1.49 U.3.C.Secilon 7801.e1 sseq.,th�R�soter�o�Cons«v�tlon and Hec7+KY�. . �.,�,:,,,;
<br /> tuMe.w repulntlwa�doPt�d Pte�sutnl to�ny d ih�laspdnp• Th� "�=--
<br /> ' 42 U.S.C.S�ctbn 6901,st seQ•�or othK appNcatrls stds a F�dsni kws. ` _
<br /> ` Ixms'htardow wasis"and'haurdosn subs4na'�haY�iso includ��without Yrt►�r1bn,patrdwm and ptlro(oum byixoducb a any Ir�ctlon :�
<br /> . d sn
<br /> thKeof tnd asb�sta. Tnlstor npr�nls Rnd wamnb to l�ncNr lh�k (o)Our1n�1 tho porlod of Truata's a��rmshi�ot thr RraQlrty.Mere has . t;�,�p�,-�s
<br /> � �,�•;s— ,:.:
<br /> bNn no uas.9�aYon�m�nu(actun.slorap��Watmsnt,disposal�rskiese a ttxstMrNd nlMS�d arr�ha�erdous w�sM a st�bstana by my 't;.: �+�::.
<br /> rs e -
<br /> . ' , p w s o n on�unda.�bout or hom tta Prop�rty; @)Trusta has no knovrwcfp�ol.ex n�son to beli�w that tta�has bNC�,exwPt as prov�oush► - -
<br /> . disdas�d to�nd�dcnowkdpad by L�n�M►In wrWnp� (q any uss.9e+�er�Uarn�mnnut�cturo�storopo�treatmerVi.C fi�p a�l. n M a s��or thnab�d :___
<br /> retaaf�of Rny hoxtrdous wa5to a substtncs on�un�r.ab0ut or tram iha Proporty Dy any pelor ownaa o►occtt�n�t"d of ihl I�roplr�Y or (il)anY
<br /> ictual a thrwt�r�d WtiyyaUon or c1�irt►s of any klnd by any peison retaBr►p to auch rtwtt�rs�and (o)E�woR1�s prwloWlY dhclowd to�nd „ ;'`Y ..?r?';:�.
<br /> a �
<br /> - � edc�dp�d bY��ndet in writlrp� p)MitMr Trustor na any qnant,Contrecta�s�ant or otF�tuH�a+eimd ue�r of tM PropKry�h�N usr� i`,y,�:.--- .
<br /> `r,� �� parmralr�manulacturs.store�treat,disPos�of,a nlNS�any h�nrdous�v+�sw or oubstanoo on�ur►d�r.aba,d o�Mom th�Propwty 4nd (fl)any '.�:.:;�:,._
<br /> ..•..�.' .,;}�,.SVw�P•z.
<br /> ,;;:,,;. • � such�ctivtty sh�be conduCtsd in compltanCe with all appNcabN Isdarwl,atab� and loCtl law��ro0ulntlo�r�and wdna�as. Indudinp wNhout :<�,•r„b
<br /> ' YmttaUon thaae Iaws�ropulaHons�and ordinanoss desaW�d�buw. Trussta authainss Lend�r and ils p�r�s tfl�nler upo�Ih� Property lo � � � ".
<br /> . . � nuke such Inspectlons nnd tests,at Tnntora s�nss�as Lender mr�y doem nPPraprl4fe to datarmins camY.iixnfle of 1M Ropsrty with this ' '' ,`;
<br /> � � sectlon W th�D�d W Tnis� Any Inspactlons or tests mtde by Lendor ohi►11 tw for Londar'�pwposas orily on��f r.ot W conctru�d to cnalo �,' �..
<br /> • � nny rosponsibtlity a NabWty on ttN part of l.�ndor to 7rustor or to eny othor parson, The rePrsssntatlons an:1 ntimnUes contdi»d twrein ue
<br /> � ,;::'•`• baserJ on Trusta's dw du:pe�a In Imroo't�gatlrg the Property tor hnnrdous wuta�nd hezardous su�stacx�a. Truata henby (q n�ws�s tnd ,
<br /> :';;:� ,;, � wdv�es�ny future c41ms a9ainsl Lender tar indamnfty�x conirSDutbn In tlne evant Tnrsta bocomes Ih�7e'1or cfoanup or aliwr caab u��u►Y .
<br /> .:,;., suah{aws, nnd (b)aprees to indemni1y and hdd ham�ss Londor tpn�nst any and nM dairtu,Ice3�,Ilablltlee,damlpes�panalllas,tnd
<br /> eoW�r�ses whVch Lsnder may direclty a indkecfty sustsln a suHor re5�N1eD 1rom n breach of thb sar�cn ot 1M Deed d Trust cr u a �
<br /> contequsnce o1 nny use,9er�auon,manutacturo,staraDO.d�sposal,ra�eas�or threakned relsas�occtaiinG+Pr3ar lo Tnistort owrNrs�►iP or I
<br /> eq
<br /> Int�est In the Property,whether or not ths same wu ar shouid haw boen known to Trvstor. Ths provhlorts ot thit;ew4lson oT tfie Daed of Trust,
<br /> Indudlnp tho obliptBOn to Indamniy.shel suMva tM pnyment of tho Indobladnos�and ihe satlstac9c�and mcamrs�yano� a�ne x��a mis
<br /> �`' Deed o��us�st uxf ahall not 4e 4fkc.ied by Lendsr's acqubllbn o�any{rtlKest in the Pro�Ay�wtwtMir�y 9txecloaur�a o9hwwis�.
<br /> ' � Iittiw�C�.Waqs. Tnistor shaM nol Caa�sv�cor►duCt ot ParmN any nult8aca nor commR,DGm�f►�or a�?�ut�inY ti"dPphq ol or wu0�on or 10 tho
<br /> PropMly or any pattlon of th�Prop�rty. Mllthout�mWnp th�ponenflty of 41N Mr�pok�D�Tnislor wiN not eortwve,o.a�••,R�o�m an.��wo
<br /> rlDht t0 nmow,anY YrnbM�mlrwt�ls pnCluQinB o�i�nd pos)�soil�Onwl ot rodc P►�ducb vrlthout th�{M1or w�►1�n r.aroMd d I.MidM.
<br /> RKnovY o4 tmproYMTNnts. Trustor shaN not demollsh or remov�any Improwrnents i�an tha Rwl ProD�rty�^d�►*o�t�p►�a��n consent
<br /> of l.onder. As 4 condlUOn to the removal 04 nny Improvements.Lenda m�Y►eyulre Tntstor to rtuke�rren�tmrrnb satlsfactory to Lo�da to
<br /> ryptece such Improv�ernents with Improvemonb af pt leas4 9qtwl valuo.
<br /> Leredat's Rlpht to Fnter. Lender�nd i4s apunts and representativoa mRy ontsr aPon iho Fieat Property n�a�rv�sonauie um�i�.«o�N.� . .
<br /> Lend�n Intensls ond to Inspnct ths Proptrty for p►wP��T�sto�6 comy�a^ce�fi�►�terms and cortdiliarta oQ 1Ns D�ed of TrusL �
<br /> CompNmc�with Gov�rt►ma�tM Rpuk�m�nts. Trusta shaN Pror�PtlY comPb wilh�II laws�adinnnca�,tne3 ro�UnUorts�now ot ha�eatler in �
<br /> � e}�.p}QI! po�rernmental authoritles appl7cabb to lhe u59 or oocupancy of Qhe PropDrty,Inctudlnp wllhotA NmilaUon,the Amwfcans YVlth I
<br /> Dlaabwdes l�c1. Trusta rtwy conlest In pood faHh�ny such I�w,wdinnna,w npul�tlon and wfthhold compNanoe d�trp tny proceedinp,
<br /> Inciudtnp npAroP�ats appeals, so lonp as Trustor has notifled Lendor In wrirr►�pdor lo ddnp so and ao Wr,q as,l�lortders sob op�nlon, �
<br /> i Unclara Iret�sts In th�Property uo not)aopardt:ed. Lendor may roquka Tnntor to post cdoquate secuYtry or e suraty bond,reasonabry ,
<br /> � sgristactory fo LendOr,to protect Lender's Interest.
<br /> � Duty to Rot�cl. Tn�sta n9reas rwltt►er to nbandon nor leave unattended Iho F'ropertY. Trusta ahau do al a:lu� �cb, !n�dditlon to those acta .
<br /> � set(ath abow In thls seCBon,wh�ch hom the ChanCter rnd tae of 11v►Rroporty are rea5onably r►�sary to pro'acl tnd prec.erve the Properlyr.
<br /> I • up o it�ieSsti�e a 1rc�l��i,�t out�L�.endar'a p a wrltten�or�ent,�of a�N orer ny pAAyof tho Reald pPrope�tY.or1 enY nt�tre'dn b�th��y At 1
<br /> , •
<br /> . � _ _
<br /> _ _-- _
<br /> - - - --- _ -- -
<br />