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<br />FOll3~Lt. <br /> <br />18 DISCUSS AND APPROVE REQUEST FROM CENTRAL NEBRASKA DRUG <br />COURT FOR APPROVAL OF GRANT APPLICATION - Jerry Janulewicz stated that the <br />drug court has applied for a federal in the amount of $499,000.00 and they are <br />requesting county board approval. This grant will require a 25% local match or in-kind <br />match. Some of the fees and time can be used toward the match. The interlocal <br />agreement requires that they actively seek grant funds. Arnold made a motion and <br />Humiston seconded to authorize the drug court to apply for the grant. Arnold, Eriksen, <br />Hartman, Humiston, Jeffries, Lancaster and Logan all voted yes and none voted no. <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />5.9:30 A.M. PRESENTATION - HUMAN SERVICES NEEDS ASSESSMENT- <br />Cindy Johnson with the City of Grand Island, Karen Rathje, President of the Heartland <br />United Way and Tim Keelan with Hanna: Keelan Associates, P.C. Community Planning <br />and Research were present to review the survey. Ms. Johnson stated that the purpose <br />of the survey was to do a comprehensive review of all the human services that are <br />available to Hall County residents and to determine if there are duplications and or gaps <br />in the services. They wanted to identify where the needs may be and this will be used <br />for requests for funding for the different agencies. <br /> <br />Tim Keelan was one of the consultants that worked on this project. He stated that they <br />held meetings with numerous participants to establish a base line for the survey. The <br />second stage was to develop the action plan. This plan will allow for the implementation <br />of the priority human services in Grand Island. The assessment produced 14 areas of <br />need. Mr. Keelan reviewed the priority areas. He stated that this was a positive <br />planning experience for the community. The providers in the community can use this <br />plan when they put together their annual plan and know where the funding may be <br />available. Mr. Keelan answered questions from the board. <br /> <br />6. 9:45 A.M. BID OPENING FOR MOWER TRACTOR FOR PUBLIC WORKS <br />DEPARTMENT - Jeffries made a motion and Lancaster seconded to open the bids for <br />the mower/tractor. Arnold, Eriksen, Hartman, Humiston, Jeffries, Lancaster and Logan <br />all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />The following bids were received: <br />BIDDER LIST PRICE TRADE-IN NET COST DELIVERY <br />TONERSINC <br />CX100 Powershift $46,056.00 $17557.00 $28,499.00 3/31/2002 <br />CX 100 $46.056.00 $17,557.00 $27,719.00 3/31/2002 <br />NEW HOLLAND <br />TL 100 Standard $29,899.00 $ 4,000.00 $25,899.00 90-120 days <br />TL 100 Deluxe $34,569.00 $ 4,000.00 $30,569.00 90-120 days <br />GREEN LINE EQUIP <br />6405 $44,478.15 $15,668.00 $28,810.00 4/15/2002 <br />6320 $47,215.41 $17,330.41 $29,885.00 6/2002 <br />LANDELL THELEN <br />6405 $46,825.00 $16,125.00 $30,750.00 120 days <br /> <br />3 <br />