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<br />f0113/ <br /> <br />9. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON PARTICIPATION IN NEBRASKA USED OIL <br />COLLECTION PROGRAM - Eriksen stated that he had worked with the city on finding a <br />location for the stationary used oil tanks and they were receptive, but after further <br />consideration the city determined that there are fourteen places in Grand Island for the <br />disposal of the used oil. In the rural areas the large collectors will go to the farm sites <br />and collect the used oil. So, at this time, he does not see a lot of support for the <br />program in Hall County because there is not a definite need. <br /> <br />10 DISCUSS AND APPROVE RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR <br />ELECTED OFFICIALS FOR 2003-2006 TERM - Hartman stated that the salary <br />resolution in front of the board members is the result of the work-study session from last <br />night. December 17. The board discussed all of the information contained in the present <br />resolution. Jeffries made a motion and Logan seconded to approve Resolution #-1-0080 <br />Establishing Salaries for Elected Officials for 2003-2006. Eriksen stated that he would <br />like to address several items. Eriksen stated that he is still concerned with the salary for <br />the surveyor and thinks the board should consider all of the options. He questioned if <br />this could be a part-time position. Jerry Janulewicz stated that the surveyor is an elected <br />position and because of state statute it is necessary to set the salary. However, the <br />board could divide the highway superintendent duties and hire a road foreman and the <br />county surveyor could be the ex-oficio highway superintendent. The board must set the <br />salary for this position but it could be a part-time office. When he did the research on <br />this matter the only county that they could compare it to was Sarpy and it is much larger. <br />Jeffries stated that he is satisfied with the salary that the board discussed and feels that <br />it will draw good candidates and does not want to postpone this matter. Eriksen also <br />expressed concern on the salary for the county supervisors, the elected officials will <br />receive 12.8% and the board members will receive a 27% increase, he would like to see <br />it at a comparable percentage with other counties. Hartman stated that they should take <br />into consideration the size of Hall County and the number of meetings that the board <br />members attend. Lancaster also stated that she thinks the increase for the board <br />members is too high. Logan stated that he wanted to respond to Eriksen's concern. He <br />stated that this recommendation is not the recommendation of the board members but <br />from NACO. Arnold agreed with Logan and supports the increase. He stated that when <br />you work fulltime you loose work hours and are behind. The vote on the motion to <br />approve the resolution was taken. Arnold, Eriksen, Hartman Humiston, Jeffries, <br />Lancaster and Logan all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />2 <br />