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<br />Ft) ll3 (Q <br /> <br />streets faster. Hartman expressed concern on a recent fire call where the right fire <br />department did not respond. Bennett stated that with the new GIS database, these <br />problems would be addressed. <br /> <br />Lancaster stated concern on the constant need for new and more equipment and the <br />need for money for upkeep. These fund will provide an additional source of revenue. <br /> <br />Logan made a motion and Jeffries seconded to close the public hearing on the E-911 <br />surcharge. Arnold. Eriksen, Hartman, Humiston. Jeffries. Lancaster and Logan all voted <br />yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />8. 10:55 A.M. PUBLIC HEARING DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Eriksen made a <br />motion and Humiston seconded to open the public hearing on the district health <br />department. Arnold, Eriksen. Hartman, Humiston, Jeffries and Logan all voted yes and <br />none voted no with Lancaster absent for the vote. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Health Director Sonja Simpson was present for the public hearing to answer any <br />questions. <br /> <br />She stated that Merrick and Hamilton counties have held their public hearings. This new <br />district health department will be county driven. The board questioned who would be on <br />the planning board and she stated that each county would have to decide. There can be <br />one county supervisor and a dentist and a physician and a concerned citizen. Jeffries <br />stated he wants to make sure that Hall County has ample representation and voting <br />power. The planning board will make the decision on the number of people on the <br />board. Merrick County will retain their current office and Hamilton County would like to <br />have a presence, which could be a room in a building in that county. The Hall County <br />office will stay here. Discussion was held on the money that will be spent on each <br />person and Jeffries expressed concern that the Hall County dollars will not stay in Hall <br />County. Ms. Simpson stated that that was not true because they will continue to receive <br />grant money along with the per capita funds. <br /> <br />Arnold stated that the dollars contributed by Hall County will be significant and he <br />expressed concern on the number of representatives that each county will be allowed <br />and feels that there should be some balance. Hartman stated that MidPlains Center had <br />the same problem when they started, but when the number of representatives from each <br />group was equal it worked better. Logan questioned when the planning committee <br />would be formed and the county board will need to make a decision on this. <br /> <br />11 :07 a.m. Logan made a motion and Jeffries seconded to close the public hearing for <br />the district health department. Arnold, Eriksen. Hartman. Humiston, Jeffries, Lancaster <br />and Logan all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Ms. Simpson suggested that the county board might want to consider the formation of <br />the planning board and the representatives that will be on it. The county board will make <br />the appointments for this board. Lancaster stated that the board needs to be consistent <br />on the appointments. They should accept applications and schedule interviews and not <br />accept recommendations for appointments. Ms. Simpson stated that this would be a <br />planning board only. <br /> <br />5 <br />