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concern that without the position there will be more contract hours. She is asking to <br /> return staffing levels the same s 1980 levels with 2 full time and 1 1/2 time. <br /> Lancaster noted that it worked out well to have the election commissioner work half time <br /> it was a cost saving measure at that time. Voter registrations have increased there is a <br /> need for more than a 1/2 time employee. She also noted that passport dollars are county <br /> dollars and there could be some consideration regarding this office. Under 32-212 <br /> Tracey would hire the full time employee. <br /> Lancaster made a motion and Quandt seconded under State Statute 32-212 to hire a <br /> full time deputy at 75% of the official's salary. <br /> Tracy stated she budgeted for the salary at $61,641.97 with benefits at $27,960.00 for a <br /> total of $98,478.41. <br /> Discussion was held where will the dollars come from Lancaster said tax dollars. She <br /> needs the help and the passport office could relieve some of the cost the board needs <br /> to look at this. <br /> Quandt noted she runs a good office and things are more complicated. <br /> Bredthauer also expressed concern where the money is coming from valuations may be <br /> lower. <br /> Richardson ask what salary would be eliminated if the office was combined are they just <br /> moving the duties to the election office so the fees would offset the cost of the deputy <br /> commissioner. They need to look at the personal costs. <br /> Tracey stated the part time position hours were increased in 2021 and she would like to <br /> go back to the shorter hours. <br /> Bredthauer noted that the passport office salary is $60,580.00 and the revenue was <br /> $48,790.00 <br /> The vote on the motion to approve the deputy election commissioner was held <br /> Bredthauer, Lancaster, Quandt, Richardson and Sorensen all voted yes and Hurst <br /> voted no. Peterson was absent. Motion carried. <br /> Discussion was held on the job description for the deputy election commissioner. <br /> Tracey provided a copy. <br /> Lancaster made a motion and Bredthauer seconded to approve the job description for <br /> the deputy election commissioner. Bredthauer, Hurst, Lancaster, Richardson and <br /> Sorensen all voted yes and Quandt voted no. Peterson was absent. Motion carried. <br /> 6 <br />