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Lancaster ask if Diamond did the job correctly and they did. There seems to be a <br /> problem with the original design. There is only $100.00 difference between the 2 <br /> proposals. <br /> The vote on the motion to go with low bid was taken. Bredthauer, Hurst, Lancaster, <br /> Richardson and Sorensen all voted yes and Quandt voted no. Peterson was absent. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> The issue with the Administration Building lot will be addressed in 2 weeks. <br /> d) DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING CUSTODIAL COMPANY — Loren <br /> stated there was an issue with the new custodial company. They were to start July 1st <br /> to clean the restrooms and hallways but did not come. Loren said he called the <br /> everyday to come on site and to get their name badges. The director did come and one <br /> come on the tour. But on Friday the keys were on his desk He contacted the director <br /> and there was no staff and no cleaning equipment. Loren told them he was going to <br /> discuss this with the board today. There is a signed contract and we have their bond. <br /> This will be discussed in executive session <br /> C) FACILITIES UPDATE — Loren stated he hired a new employee for the park, she will <br /> be a good addition with her training. <br /> 15. DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING ADDING POSITION FOR THE <br /> ELECTION COMMISSIONER — Election Commissioner Tracey Overstreet is requesting <br /> to add an employee. She current is the only full time and has a 1/2 time employee. <br /> Voter registration is up 47% and there is no backup for her duties, Hall County is the <br /> only county in the state that does not have full time backup for the election duties. . This <br /> is an issue with the Secretary of State and she is asking to fill this position ahead of <br /> budget time. They will also have to start checking petitions and early ballots the first <br /> ballots are due out September 23. She distributed information regarding the state <br /> statutes. Deputies by statute are to receive no less than 65% of the officials salary Hall <br /> County deputies are currently at 75% of the official's salary. She distributed information <br /> regarding the state statutes. <br /> 32 211 Election commissioners counties having 20,000 to 00,000 inhabitants chief <br /> deputy appointment. The chief deputy appointment shall be at the option of the county <br /> board. The election commissioner and chief deputy election commissioner shall serve a <br /> 4 year term from their appointment. The county board would conduct the interviews and <br /> make the appointments. <br /> 32 212 Tracey stated that she would like to move quickly and this would allow the <br /> election commissioner to appoint aa deputy this would allow more flexibility according <br /> to 32-209 the chief deputy would be able to sign off on elections. She expressed <br /> 5 <br />