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that we currently pay the MIPS software fees for the County Assessor and for the <br /> County Treasurer monthly. He ask MIPS if this could be paid annually but it would be a <br /> larger amount so he brought this to the board. The amount would be the same paid <br /> annually or monthly. <br /> Bredthauer made a motion and Lancaster seconded to approve paying MIPS fees <br /> annually. Discussion was held and Lancaster ask if any of this could be paid from the <br /> Register if Deeds fund <br /> Bredthauer withdrew her motion and Lancaster withdrew her second. <br /> Lancaster made a motion and Bredthauer seconded to pay the MIPS bill monthly and to <br /> check to see of any of the fees could be paid out of the Register of Deeds fund. <br /> Bredthauer, Hurst, Lancaster, Quandt, Richardson and Sorensen all voted yes and no <br /> one voted no. Peterson was absent. Motion carried. <br /> 10. FACILITIES - A) DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON BENCHES FOR <br /> COUNTY COURTROOM #1 & #2 - Loren Humphrey was present and expressed <br /> concern on the benches in Courtroom #1. Courtroom #2 the benches are holding. He <br /> explained that they are bolted down on a 2 X 6 and the bolts extend into the floor under <br /> the boards. They have been moved several times and it is difficult to make sure that <br /> they are secure. The bolts are working loose. He did check and the cost would be <br /> $9,000.00 for the benches and installation from Radigan Schottler Mfg. He is asking the <br /> board what they want to do. This Judge Wetzel's courtroom. <br /> Quandt sated there should be a way to fix the floor to secure the benches. He will look <br /> at them. Loren said the price will not change. This will come back in 2 weeks. <br /> B) DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION TO REPAIR PARKING LOT ENTRANCE <br /> TO COUNTY ATTORNEY EAST PARKING LOT - Loren said the entrance to the <br /> parking lot needs repaired and they need to address an ADA issue. He has quotes <br /> from Galvan Construction for $4,800 and Diamond Engineering for $4,700. <br /> Quandt stated that Diamond has a job out here by the ADA approach and it is not <br /> correct. Loren said they should have put a curb on the one side. He has a price from <br /> Diamond to redo the curb. The section from the ramp should have had a curb. Loren <br /> said the quote he has is to replace the entire curb. Loren said it does meet ADA but for <br /> safety sake it should have been curbed it is sharp area. This estimate is for a whole <br /> new curb it is a trip hazard. <br /> Bredthauer made a motion and Richardson seconded the motion to go with the low bid <br /> from Diamond Engineering for the repairs to the County Attorney's east parking lot. <br /> 4 <br />