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C) COUNTY ATTORNEY HANDBOOK UPDATE - Sarah Carstensen stated that the <br /> draft of the handbook was distributed to all of the department head and they met June <br /> 13 to discuss the proposed handbook. She ask departments to submit questions to her <br /> by July 6 and from there they will meet again with a smaller group and put together <br /> language regarding the changes then present it to the county board. <br /> 5 D) DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING PUBLIC DEFENDER <br /> SOFTWARE (EXECUTIVE SESSION) — Sarah stated this will be held in executive <br /> session later in the meeting. <br /> 11. DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION FOR PER MILE REIMBURSEMENT FOR <br /> USE OF A PERSONAL VEHICLE OR MOTORCYCLE - Lancaster said this refers to the <br /> IT Department, they had expressed concern that they use their personal vehicles. They <br /> are constantly moving from one building to another and they do not have a county <br /> vehicle to use and actually one vehicle would not work. They are proposing to keep <br /> track of their mileage and request to be reimbursed at the standard rate. Hurst noted <br /> they may not want to do all of the work to keep track. <br /> Sarah noted that the policy in the handbook does not cover in town mileage and they <br /> may need to suggest language to address this. <br /> Lancaster made a motion and Bredthauer seconded to draft language for the handbook <br /> to include travel in the county with approval of the department head if a county vehicle is <br /> not available. Bredthauer, Hurst, Lancaster, Quandt, Richardson and Sorensen all voted <br /> yes and no one voted no. Peterson was absent. Motion carried. <br /> 12. DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION APPROVING QUOTE FOR ANTIVIRUS <br /> LICENSES FOR SERVERS & WORKSTATIONS - IT Director Doug Drudik was present <br /> and provided copies of the quotes for the antivirus licenses. He is proposing to replace <br /> the current software with SentinelOne he has the technical material if the board is <br /> interested. The current vendor Sofous is keeping up with the security at 65% and <br /> SentinelOne would be at 98%. He also said the quote from the current vendor was <br /> higher. <br /> Sorensen ask if this was an annual fee and Doug stated it is. <br /> Lancaster made a motion and Sorensen seconded to approve the quote for the antivirus <br /> license for servers and workstations with SentinelOne. Bredthauer, Hurst, Lancaster, <br /> Quandt, Richardson and Sorensen all voted yes and no one voted no. Peterson was <br /> absent. Motion carried. <br /> 13. DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING SOFTWARE ANNUAL FEES <br /> FROM MIPS FOR ASSESSOR/DEEDS & TREASURER SOFTWARE — Mr. Drudik said <br /> 3 <br />