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Peterson said the grant was not approved and ask if there are any other funding <br /> sources. Could there be some possible funding from local business or from other <br /> foundations that could help. Marty employers would benefit from this they may provide <br /> programs but they could explore this. <br /> Judge Corey said he would expect this coordinator to be a grant writer and this would <br /> be part of their job. <br /> Randy See made it clear that if we fund this position it is very uncommon they would <br /> come back and fund that is established. That is why they tried for the grant first. <br /> Peterson this would be under the probation office. Marty would be duel reporting they <br /> would take direction from probation office and JDAI executive committee of 2 or 3. It <br /> would be a joint supervisory position. Marty said he has had experience with this and it <br /> can work well <br /> Richardson made a motion and Bredthauer seconded o approve a JDAI full time <br /> coordinator under the state probation department and be a sate employee at around <br /> $75,000.00. Discussion was held and it could be a state employee and the funding <br /> level would be established. Marty said he does not know where the budget line item <br /> would be but they will have solid budget figure if it passes. They would start with the job <br /> description. <br /> Discussion on when this would start. They will work on the job description and he would <br /> like to see it up and going by the end of august. <br /> Hurst questioned where the dollars are going to come from. He feels they are moving <br /> too fast where this would be located. Marty said the county would be responsible for <br /> space Marty said he does have an empty office. It could be in the Federal Building or <br /> probation. Would need a phone and computer and space. <br /> Richardson ask if they would need staff and would this Marty said there would be no <br /> staff that would be absorb by the office. Marty hopes we will be able to see hard <br /> numbers on juvenile detention they hope it would be offset by other costs. <br /> Lancaster ask how it is funded in other counties and would hope to see some reduction <br /> in the case loads. This would need funding for 2 years. Marty it is a combination it is <br /> funded by counties one pays for it and other probation does it and county pays them <br /> back. . Discussion was held if Marty knows of a person to fill this position and he stated <br /> he has 3 he would contact. <br /> Judge Corey said Douglas county has a large number of cases because of population <br /> and Otoe county has not had a juvenile detained they have programs for preventative <br /> measures. <br /> 8 <br />