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The board had discussed purchasing 3 and 3 at a later date if the county orders now it <br /> will be at a later date. They have and estimated to replace a transmission and it is <br /> $42,000.00 and they cannot get a new one it is a rebuilt transmission. A new <br /> transmission would be $73,000. Don said we may need to discuss this. Murphy also <br /> said if they run the old machines for 1 to 1 1/2 years more the trade in would be lowered <br /> to $50,000. <br /> Don said they discussed the Komatsu and John Deer machines the 770 is a bigger <br /> machine and the parts are here you may not need a bigger machine to maintain roads <br /> but will need it for snow removal. Don talked to Rich and they would like to put a snow <br /> plow wing because one of the machines that will be traded they will lose a couple of <br /> wings. They talked to Murphy and they had a machine and the operators have been <br /> able to use it. <br /> Scott said when the state bid runs out they estimated and addition 20% on the cost on <br /> the next bid this is state bid all equipment is going up and would be an additional <br /> $56,000 for each machine. <br /> Karen noted a 2007 transmission was $43,000 these grader are 11 to 12 years 3 are <br /> going to be replaced by the 770. She also noted there is $250,000 for a grade-all and <br /> she ask if anyone would be opposed to using these dollars for the motor graders. It <br /> would it be more cost efficient to use those funds to replace the older motor graders. <br /> Discussion was held on the state bid. Lancaster noted that this will end in June. Don <br /> stated that is why it needs to be discussed now. There is still some time to get this <br /> done. He talked to Sarah and she is looking at the different issues. <br /> Lancaster she appreciates him coming forward but also noted there was some concern <br /> from the public, now they can listen to the board meetings. There could be some <br /> savings. Discussion was held on what other counties have for grader. Need to have all <br /> of the information. <br /> Mr. Robb that personally he would not recommend the Kabotsu because of the lower <br /> horse power. The county did bid a smaller model but to move snow you need a bigger <br /> machine. <br /> Quandt ask when the new machine should be here and Don stated they should be here <br /> the first week of June and then Murphy will go through the machines so they should <br /> have the new machines by the middle of June. <br /> Quandt ask if the county were to move forward would these be for next year's budget. <br /> Discussion was held and this will be for 3 more machines and this would be in the <br /> following year. There was also discussion regarding the grade-all. They first thought <br /> this could be from ARPA funds <br />