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sit here and talk to them they need to sit here and have a conversation. He apologized <br /> to Mr. Sorensen. This was a bunch of bunk. <br /> Mr. Hurst stated that he is glad Marty is the County Attorney because what I would say <br /> would not be very nice 99.9% of the time an anonymous complaint is not investigated. <br /> He commended Mr. Sorensen he is a way nicer person than he and would congratulate <br /> his parents they raised a nice young man. He is proud to serve with him. <br /> Bredthauer stated she was in the meeting with Scott where this took place and knows <br /> firsthand there was nothing done illegally she thank Mr. Klein or the investigation and <br /> his name was cleared. <br /> Mr. Klein noted that they did not do the investigation and they contacted the Attorney <br /> General and he would like to commend the State Patrol for doing the investigation. <br /> Multiple parties received this letter and were confident there would not be any issues. <br /> They did not do the investigation and it would not have been be proper for them to do it. <br /> He did not let Mr. Sorensen know about this Marty said he was is fired up that this went <br /> to everyone but Mr. Sorensen. It was unfounded. <br /> Scott sated he cooperated fully with the State Patrol and gave them access to all of his <br /> bank accounts he has nothing to hide. He would welcome them to come here and <br /> shake his hand. Communication was a barrier and some of the comments that were <br /> made would have tarnished the reputation of other equipment dealers. He stands by <br /> his recommendation. <br /> Lancaster she was chair of the board and did not receive anything. Mr. Klein stated no <br /> board members received the letter. The county board was not involved. <br /> 5.9:30 A.M. PUBLIC HEARING FOR WERNER CONSTRUCTION FOR ASPHALT <br /> PLANT - Quandt made a motion and Hurst seconded to open the public hearing. <br /> Bredthauer, Hurst, Lancaster, Quandt, Peterson and Sorensen all voted yes and no one <br /> voted no. Jane Richardson was absent. <br /> The affidavit of publication for the hearing was included. This is for an asphalt batch <br /> plant for the project on Highway #2. <br /> Mr. Wilhelm was present and verified the route that they will be using the $500.00 fee <br /> was paid and that would cover a conditional use permit for 5 years. <br /> Deputy County Attorney Sarah Carstensen stated she did not complete the resolution <br /> because she was questioning the time frame for the permit. <br /> Mr. Wilhelm stated that 12 to 24 months would be sufficient. He stated 24 month would <br /> be sufficient because they may need to remove materials. <br /> Lancaster noted that she agreed with the 24 months as long as it would include that the <br /> materials will need to be removed. <br /> 4 <br />