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PUBLIC WORKS UPDATE — Sorensen stated that the critical bridge on Sky Park Road <br /> has been completed it is a functioning bridge the project is close to completion. They <br /> just need to have the engineer to take pictures and finish the study and they should be <br /> able to open the road next week. He also reported that they are trimming trees and <br /> continuing to work on the crack sealing. <br /> Bredthauer they are cleaning up the trees and they also use a chemical to prohibit the <br /> growth. There was a snow event but south of Hastings thee was more snow and also <br /> high winds. Due to the wind here was some drifting so they were addressing that she <br /> was watching the cameras on the state trucks and did call some employee in but did not <br /> call in a mechanic and it was a holiday weekend. She reported that they ae still crack <br /> sealing and put in two culverts were put and things are moving forward. <br /> FACILITIES 13.C) DISCUSSION ON SETTING PROJECT PRIORITIES — Mr. <br /> Humphrey provided the board with a list of the proposed projects and a narrative for <br /> each project. <br /> 1. Corrections Lobby Security upgrade — completed <br /> 2. Mental health hearing room Courthouse Annex — completed <br /> 3. 3 Central Nebraska Regional Airport Sanitary Sewer Project <br /> 4. Storm sewer project Platte Valley Industrial Park <br /> 5. Fiber networking upgrade project <br /> This is a starting point and is asking the board to look at them they can add to the list of <br /> projects if they want to. <br /> 13 D) DISCUSSION ON PRELIMINARY REPORT ON ARPA PROJECTS — Sorensen <br /> ask if they can make changes to the quarterly reports as far as a project is concerned. <br /> Loren said he will check on hat and get back to the board. <br /> Bredthauer noted that as the population increases they want to look at future projects <br /> for the Federal Building for the Judges and future court rooms <br /> Peterson stated they need to be flexible at first regarding the court rooms and future <br /> projects. He stated that the proposed list looks fine. <br /> Loren stated that has any suggestions they want to add he can but will also need a <br /> narrative for the projects. <br /> Peterson questioned if the costs for the airport project and if these infrastructure <br /> projects are pay as you go and if they will be completed before the ARPA funds are <br /> done. <br /> Lancaster stated she appreciates that he is being cautious currently we only have half <br /> of the money. <br /> Loren said the list was sent to Lutz to see if Mark has any suggestions he will also <br /> contact the city so that project will be the same. <br /> 9 <br />