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Deputy County Attorney Sarah Carstensen expressed concern if the painting was <br /> advertised. It is included in the addendum to the specifications. She stated she does <br /> not see a problem waiting until the next meeting. She will address the legal issues and <br /> will review it more. They cannot start until January because of the district court <br /> schedule. <br /> Richardson made a motion and Quandt seconded to hold off on the Court house fire <br /> suppression, painting and exiting for 2 weeks. Bredthauer, Hurst, Lancaster, Quandt, <br /> Peterson, Richardson and Sorensen all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried <br /> Sorensen ask if the whole board is on track with this project. <br /> Peterson suggested they could post pone the painting. They need a good foundation to <br /> make a decision. <br /> 12. DICUSSION & POSSIBEL ACTION REGARDING THE BUILDING INSPECTOR <br /> POSITION &/OR JOB DESCRIPTION — Peterson ask if they want to expand the <br /> advertising. He expressed concern that they owe the applicant the opportunity to <br /> interview. That would be held in January. When Mr. Hartman's position was vacant <br /> they felt that it was important the representative should be included in the interviews <br /> and be part of the discussion. <br /> Richardson stated they have information from Craig Lewis regarding the ICC testing. <br /> They do require the ICC certification but they allow 12 months to get it. 30 day may be <br /> unreasonable. <br /> Peterson suggested expanding the advertising with Zip and Linked In, NACO, League <br /> of Municipalities but it was not on the ICC website. There are fees for these of$400.00 <br /> to $700.00. Discussion was held if Alan is a member if ICC. <br /> Hurst stated he expressed concern that it was unreasonable to set 30 days. They need <br /> to interview the applicant and not spend a lot of money. They may not get someone <br /> and if not start over. <br /> Richardson made a motion and Hurst seconded that upon accepting the job offer to <br /> allow 6 months to obtain the ICC certification. <br /> Sorensen stated he had experience working with the individual and that person may be <br /> hard to find because of the pay scale. Having the license may mean a lot, but it is the <br /> hands on experience that means more to him personally. They need to allow time to <br /> get the certificate. They may have to consider starting from scratch, <br /> Bredthauer stated it is a concern the City has other inspectors. <br /> Lancaster questioned if they do the inspections are the bonded and if they do not have <br /> the certification could anyone go out and do the inspections. Sarah Carstensen said <br /> most of the suggestions came from Alan. The journeyman is harder to find. Lancaster <br /> 7 <br />