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stated the contractor they use want a journeyman and if the county would sing off we <br /> would be responsible. She suggested contracting it out until they could find someone. <br /> Could someone do the inspections and come back and have Alan sign off. Peterson <br /> questioned if Alan was willing to continue with the county. <br /> Lancaster stated that this is the only thing that the rural people ask the county to <br /> reinstate. They were willing to contribute $10,000.00 and if there is an issue with the <br /> salary maybe they would be will to contribute more. She stated the committee has done <br /> a good job it is fair and if there were concerns it has been discussed. <br /> Peterson stated that originally the job description stated 6 months after employment for <br /> the ICC certification. He talked to Alan and he could be available for a short period of <br /> time. <br /> Richardson stated she is not sure why the person that applied has would just forget it if <br /> no interview. They need to set the date for the interview. <br /> Quandt noted that the electrical and plumbing people listen to the inspector. You do not <br /> want to make Hall County liable. You need to make sure the work is done correctly. <br /> Lancaster noted Scott is a good resource regarding the personality of the applicants. <br /> Alan worked hard and was a good find. She also suggested that other may want to sit <br /> in on the interviews. <br /> The vote on the motion was taken. Bredthauer, Hurst, Lancaster, Peterson, Richardson <br /> and Sorensen all voted yes and Quandt voted no. Motion carried. <br /> Peterson made a motion and Richardson seconded to sit up the interview for the <br /> applicant or any other applications they may receive after the first of the year. <br /> Bredthauer, Hurst, Lancaster, Quandt, Peterson, Richardson and Sorensen all voted <br /> yeas and none voted no. Motion carried <br /> 10:40 a.m. held a Board of Corrections meeting. <br /> 10:48 a.m. Adjourned the Board of Corrections meeting and returned to the regular <br /> meeting. <br /> 13 DISCUSSION & POSSIBEL ACTION REGRDING ADOPTING A RESOLUTION <br /> SUPPORTING THE USE OF MASKS - This is entirely up to the board there has been <br /> discussion. Lancaster stated that she feels it is appropriate and they could write a <br /> resolution and bring it back. <br /> Richardson stated she has had employees ask if it would be enforced. <br /> 8 <br />