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tested. During that week he used some of his own personal leave and has concerns about <br /> having to use his leave. He used 8 hours of sick leave and 27 hours of comp time. <br /> Carstensen stated her concern is we don't know how many other people had issues as well <br /> prior to the April 1St date. You could have others come forward that they had it in January or <br /> February. April 1St was the date we used the federal guidelines. She wanted to make the board <br /> aware if they grant something like this there could be others come forward and we do not know <br /> what the financial impact would look like. <br /> Lancaster stated that even health insurance has a start and end date, and that is just the rule. <br /> She stated it is awful to be caught in that uncovered area, she stated from her perspective there <br /> was a start date and that was April 1, 2020. <br /> Bredthauer questioned how different situations were handled <br /> Carstensen stated if they grant this there would need to be boundaries and there would have to <br /> specific criteria on what the boundaries would be. <br /> Peterson stated there could be some boundaries as to who would be qualified for it based on <br /> the fact they were either notified to isolate or they tested positive. Anyone that decided to stay <br /> home would not apply. <br /> Quandt stated having Sarah look in to this and see what impact the possible impact would be <br /> for Hall County. <br /> Shawn Kenney Public works employee-stated he had went on ski trip nothing had been <br /> cancelled or no hot spots at that time. They were at Keystone, the evening after they left they <br /> shut the ski resort down due to the numbers. He stated he received an email Monday morning <br /> stating it was considered a hot spot and that Colorado started stay at home orders. He stated he <br /> was unaware and no restrictions were in place at the time they left, but he was told he had to be <br /> tested. He stated tested negative but was told he could not come back to work because he had <br /> a fever. They did a viral panel because there was not COVID testing at that time. He was <br /> negative for COVID but had the rhino virus. He was told he could not work Thursday or Friday <br /> but he was able to work. <br /> 10 B DISCUSSION & CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT FOR DRAINAGE <br /> IMPROVEMENTS IN THE VICINITY OF THE PLATTE VALLEY INDUSTRIAL PARK. —Riehle <br /> and John Collins spoke regarding that a project with the City and NRD and Grand Island Area <br /> Economic Development Corporation. This addresses drainage concerns in the area of Platte <br /> Valley Industrial Park. An agreement in the works and some language to be changed regarding <br /> grants. <br /> Quandt stated that he would like to see some of Dick's projects getting done first on Airport <br /> Road before this. <br /> John Collins stated this project has started and there is a window to get this accomplished <br /> because there are 4 different entities involved. He stated that they need to get it going <br /> otherwise this deal will fall apart. He stated everyone has something to gain. <br /> Riehle stated Hall County's portion is $85,000 with all the parties would be $180,000.00. <br /> 5 <br />