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Page 13 <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Memorandum of Understanding with Central Community College <br /> Ms. Nolan Brown presented a MOU from CCC. This MOU was received a couple of month ago <br /> and reviewed by the Bylaws, Policy and Procedures committee and Mr. Janulewicz. Mr. <br /> Janulewicz recommended a few changes to the language. CCC made the changes and ready for our <br /> approval. Ms. Nolan Brown made a motion to accept the MOU from CCC. Mr. Janulewicz <br /> seconded. This is a reciprocal agreement in case of evacuation for either facilities. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> Website Update Expense $3,000 <br /> Mr. Hochstetler presented information about a website update. The website needs a better <br /> platform. Current springform platform is not good. We need to move to a WordPress platform. <br /> Found someone after a search. Whole bid $6,000 total, this will be split with Foundation. This <br /> cost will help drive admissions, sales, memberships, and be a better website. Timely, wise <br /> investment. Mr. Janulewicz made a motion to approve the web update for $3,000.00, half of the bill. <br /> Ms. Nolan Brown seconded. Discussion: Who will be doing the work? Chip Thompson runs <br /> company out of Omaha. He grew up in Grand Island and his parents are still in GI. He wants to <br /> give back to his hometown. Will interface with website and point of sale, and donor base. Mr. <br /> Thompson has done the gy6IVluseum website. This will be a redesign of the website's <br /> appearance. Putting a look-of-story boarding.sdoes a good jotbtfoWifig a story of a place. We <br /> are at a point where we are not on a contract wdirke current Firesp0i0ggais will be getting us up <br /> to functionality. We are a changed organization from seven months ago. We have been an event <br /> centered organization. That is not why we exist. We need to be mission driven. We need to look at <br /> branding and messaging. Will be able to update as we move forward. Motion carried. <br /> Approval for Repairs to Menck Cabin $12,000 <br /> Mr. Oshlo presented information for repairs to the Menck cabin. Money is being raised for Cash for <br /> Cabins. His goal was to find someone who can do the construction. Mr. John Moore agreed to <br /> work on this project. Museum will supply what is needed to repair the north end of Menck cabin. <br /> There is a lot of labor and equipment and re-chinking. Museum will supply the cants (logs). This <br /> is part of a broader project. Cash for Cabins is this year and will extend into next year. Mr. Oshlo <br /> replaced some cants about 25 years ago. Museum has experience on staff. This cannot be done <br /> with modern equipment. Starting off with a small portion to see if Mr. Moore is willing to take on <br /> the larger repairs. This will be reimbursed through Cash for Cabins. Mr. Deitemeyer made a <br /> motion to approve the work in the Menck for$12,000 to Mr. Moore. Mr. Allen seconded. <br /> Discussion: Work would start immediately. A cant is a log that has been cut square. These are <br /> from farm near Cairo. 20 feet long logs. Could be hackberry, cottonwood, or locust wood. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Approval of Heating for Farm Machinery $6,500 <br /> Mr. Hochstetler spoke to the finance committee about making a wise investment to increase <br /> revenue, attendance, and sales. Farm Machinery Building is closed six months out of the year. <br /> Deepest collection of farm equipment. This site is not marketed well. There are 138 pieces of <br /> equipment. He would like to have heaters to keep building open to take the chill off the air. But <br /> plans are more than heating--re-interpret the building. Keep the building open year-round. Asking <br /> for pre-approval of a bid for $6,500. Mr. Allen made a motion to approve the heating for Farm <br /> Machinery. Mr. Marsh seconded. Discussion: Walkways are ADA currently. Currently <br /> Page 5 <br />