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Page I 2 <br /> Finance <br /> Mr. Janulewicz reported on the August Financials. The Finance committee met prior to the board <br /> meeting. Approved check register, account statements and revenue and expense reports. <br /> Notes: Sales for the Gift shop and Mercantile are down from prior year. Gallery sales is up, <br /> excellent numbers for the month. Expenses: Insurance high compared to budget due to timing of <br /> payments. Project construction is painting of Cleary and moving of Taylor. $2,000 for storage <br /> boxes for collection. Year to date Revenue over Expenses once we get the reimbursed funds from <br /> Foundation we should break even. With Covid we are actually doing well. <br /> The PPP loan forgiveness application should be sent in this week or next. Mr. Allen made a motion <br /> to approve the finance reports. Ms. Nolan Brown seconded. Reports were approved. <br /> Buildings and Grounds Committee <br /> Mr. Oshlo reported in Mr. Smith's absence. It has been very busy. <br /> • Heating for Taylor Store will be done by Jerry's Sheet Metal and some will be donated. <br /> • HVAC for Gatehouse will be done by Kayl Heating & Air, they are donating heating and <br /> cooling system. <br /> • Electrical work will be happening for the Taylor complex. <br /> • Bids will be going out for the Taylor Store roof. <br /> • Bathrooms in Farm Machinery are getting a remodel, making them ADA accessible, and <br /> insulating the plumbing to allow Farm Machinery to be open year-round. All this is in-house <br /> work. <br /> • Glade Mill is half completed with the paint project. <br /> Education Committee <br /> Ms. Karen Buettner reported in Mrs. Worthington's absence. <br /> • Committee met last Thursday. Department is restructuring, looking to hire an Outreach <br /> Coordinator. Have seven applications. Will have full team soon. <br /> • Virtual project was delivered to New Hampshire. <br /> • Education kits will be promoted as gift ideas for Christmas. <br /> • Stuhr Kids programs is a marketing option for K through 3rd grade. This will be a Facebook <br /> outreach. Scout videos went out last week. <br /> • Workshops coming up: Germ Busters (making soap) for October. Reindeer games (STEAM <br /> activities for November. <br /> Collections Committee <br /> Mr. Deitemeyer reported. Committee met yesterday afternoon. Collection department will be hiring <br /> interns to help with the deaccession project. No items to look at this month for deaccessioning. <br /> Will be looking at items that do not fit our mission, these will be coming to the board for review and <br /> approval. <br /> Bylaws, Policies & Procedures <br /> Ms. Nolan Brown reported. The bylaw changes were tabled in March. There was concern that <br /> Strategic Planning committee should not be eliminated. The Bylaws committee is making a <br /> recommendation regarding Strategic Planning. Planning should always be in the forefront. <br /> Recommend adding strategic planning to each agenda for committee meetings. Asking: what are <br /> we doing to move forward? Our recommendation is to put Strategic Planning in the context of the <br /> current committees and adding to every agenda. <br />