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Page I 1 <br /> HALL COUNTY MUSEUM BOARD <br /> The regular meeting of the Hall County Museum Board was held on Tuesday, September 15, 2020, <br /> in the Multi-Purpose Room, of the Edgar &Frances Reynolds Research Center, Stuhr Museum. <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> President Ann Martin called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. <br /> Attending the meeting were Trustees: Mrs. Ann Martin, Mr. Mark Allen, Mr. Jerry Janulewicz, <br /> Ms. Kris Nolan Brown, Mr. Don Deitemeyer and Mr. Andy Marsh. Mrs. Jane Richardson, Hall <br /> County Board Commissioner. Foundation: Mrs. Bonnie Smith, Foundation Executive Director. <br /> Museum staff attending the meeting included: Mr. Chris Hochstetler, Executive Director, Ms. <br /> Karen Buettner, Education Director, Mr. Tom Oshlo, Facility Manager, Ms. Kari Stofer, Curatorial <br /> Director, Mrs. Kay Cynova, Director of Interpretive Resources, and Mrs. Renae Hunt, Director of <br /> Business Operations/Recorder. Absent Trustees: Mrs. Jennifer Worthington and Mr. Don Smith. <br /> NEBRASKA OPEN MEETINGS ACT REQUIREMENTS <br /> Mrs. Martin stated as required by law, a copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is available for <br /> members of the public to review. <br /> REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE BOARD <br /> Mrs. Martin asked if anyone wished to address the Board and no one responded. <br /> CONFLICT OF INTEREST ANNOUNCEMENT <br /> Mrs. Martin asked if anyone had a conflict of interest with any of the agenda items. No conflicts. <br /> APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br /> Minutes had one addition from Mrs. Jane Richardson: she wanted it stated that a search for a <br /> vehicle was to all vendors in Hall County prior to the purchase of the Silverado for maintenance. <br /> Motion to accept the amended minutes from the August 18, 2020 meeting was made by Ms. Nolan <br /> Brown and seconded by Mr. Deitemeyer. Minutes were approved and will be filed. <br /> HALL COUNTY BOARD LIAISON COMMUNICATION <br /> Mrs. Richardson reported the highlights of the County Board meetings. The County budget in finalized. <br /> Stuhr received the same per requested for annual funding. Mr. Hochstetler emailed Mrs. Richardson <br /> about an attendance increase, and she relayed that to the County Board. <br /> COMMITTEE REPORTS <br /> Nominating/HR <br /> Mr. Hochstetler reported that Mr. Matthew Maser is interested in joining the Stuhr board. This will <br /> fill the seat vacated by Mr. Brian Mustion. Mr. Maser shared a bit about himself—went to law <br /> school, worked in Omaha, moved to Grand Island and in an office here in town. He is active in the <br /> Community, and member of the Economic Development board. Mr. Janulewicz made a motion to <br /> accept Mr. Maser and forward his name to the County Commissioner as a member of the Stuhr <br /> Board of Trustees. Mr. Marsh seconded. Motion passed. Tomorrow a letter will be sent to the <br /> County with Mr. Maser's name for approval. <br />