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Quandt stated he was glad Pam was there they listened to the people and they were <br /> concerned on the cost. Connie said she could probation over there. Quandt said it <br /> might only cost $20,000 because they would still need the equipment. Randy is fine <br /> where he is and if Juvenile Diversion would grow they could consider this in the future. <br /> Peterson stated with this new information it makes more sense to do the less expensive <br /> option. <br /> Richardson said this is the typical path that the board takes. You pay for the architect <br /> fees to go in one directions and at the last minute make changes. There re 3 empty <br /> buildings she does not like it is frustrating and it temporary. She is against this. <br /> Lancaster stated they did not know the cost and it will take time to work with the state <br /> on the Federal Building they needed the information to make a responsible decision. <br /> Peterson ask Loran if still would have to make a change to the original use plan for the <br /> Federal Building and if the drawings that we have could be used. Loran stated it would <br /> depend on what it is going to be used for and the county owns the designs. They would <br /> still have to hire an architect but everything will cost more in the future. It is up to the <br /> board. <br /> Peterson ask Randy if they are comfortable where they are and Randy stated he is. <br /> County Attorney Marty Klein stated they do not take adult diversion now and he is not <br /> aware of any proposals to start this. <br /> Haartman expressed concern this is a big rush to get it done and suggested waiting <br /> until after the election or after the first of the year. Lancaster stated they have new <br /> employees and need office space. <br /> Lancaster stated they suggested moving into the office space in the Federal Building <br /> that is already updated but they would need some office equipment. <br /> Quandt stated that this information just came up yesterday. They did not know it was <br /> going to cost so much money to do the remodel. They could still use the plans in the <br /> future. Discussion was held and Peterson withdrew his second and Richardson <br /> withdrew her motion. <br /> Quandt made a motion and Bredthauer seconded to use the area in the Federal <br /> Building that was formerly the IR office for the Probation office additional office space. <br /> This is not to exceed $20,000 for the cubicles and copier. Bredthauer, Hartman, Hurst, <br /> Lancaster, Quandt and Peterson all voted yes and Richardson voted no. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> 8b DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION RELEASING CHECK FOR BALTAZAR - Mr. <br /> Humphrey stated that the check had been held until they completed the project. It has <br /> 7 <br />