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13. FACILITIES UPDATE — Mr. Humphrey was present and reported that the walls at <br /> the Federal Building have been removed and the contractor is putting back the walls he <br /> is doing a good job and noted that the wood trim has been put back on. They are <br /> getting ready to set up the courts and are need some desks. He suggested that the <br /> board stop in and look at it, it is going smoothly. <br /> He reported that they have been ask to come in during the noon hour to sanitize the <br /> courtrooms. He ordered an electrostatic fogger and you can use this to spray over <br /> everything and it kills viruses including Covid in 10 minutes. You can spray it on any <br /> surface including paper and it does not cause any damage. He stated that the cost was <br /> $900.00 but it is worth the cost. <br /> DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION TO REOPEN HALL COUNTY PARK — Bredthauer <br /> stated that she had a text message and was ask personally if the County was going to <br /> open the Hall County Park. With the Covid Dynamics and funding crisis she ask if they <br /> were going to open the park. It takes a lot of manpower to cover the park but the public <br /> just wants to know. She also expressed concern that the rest rooms are not all opened. <br /> Hartman stated that he looked at the park and it is 100% and there is no reason to keep <br /> it closed. <br /> Hartman made a motion and Hurst seconded to open the Hall County Park and noted <br /> there will be one restroom open. <br /> Mr. Humphrey stated that he has talked to campers here and across the state and <br /> people are traveling by campers they are buying them or renting them. Rich & Sons <br /> stated that the camping business is booming. He stated that they do not necessarily <br /> need the restrooms most camper have showers. The board ask about the tent camping <br /> and Loran stated that they do not have that much tent camping. They have one <br /> restroom open and it is maintained. <br /> Peterson ask if they would need any lead time to get it read to open and Loran stated <br /> that it is ready now. <br /> The vote on the motion to open the Hall County Park was taken. Bredthauer, Hartman, <br /> Hurst, Lancaster, Quandt, Peterson and Richardson all voted yes and none voted no. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Loran stated that since the Covid 19 concerns he informed the board that can control <br /> the spread through the air handling units in the buildings. There is UV light and cold <br /> plasma units that can help with this. He would like to have someone one come in and <br /> talk to the board regarding these units to keep the buildings safe. The board suggested <br /> to put this on the agenda for more information. <br /> COMMITTEE OR BOARD MEMBER REPORTS — Bredthauer reported on the Regional <br /> Planning meeting there will be a new Dollar General building Doniphan by the old clinic <br /> 8 <br />