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Humphrey stated they did not know of extra measurements at the time for one extra <br /> measurement. <br /> Lancaster said county is bad spot work is done and we have the bill so we should pay it. <br /> Richardson stated the job is done and they did a good job, she stated to not pay them <br /> after a completed project is not the right way to do business. <br /> Hurst stated this is a company the county will be doing more business with in the future. <br /> Quandt made a motion to deny the $875.00 payment to Mid Plains Construction <br /> Bredthauer seconded the motion. Bredthauer and Quandt voted yes to deny payment, <br /> Lancaster, Hartman, Hurst, Peterson and Richardson all voted no to deny payment. <br /> Motion Failed. Payment will be made in the amount of $875.00 <br /> Richardson made a motion to pay Mid Plains Construction $875.00 change order fee, <br /> Hartman seconded. Bredthauer, Hartman, Hurst, Lancaster, Peterson and Richardson <br /> all voted yes Quandt voted no. Motion Carried. <br /> C) DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION APPROVING CHANGE ORDER #2 FOR MID <br /> PLAINS CONSTRUCTION FOR $347.25-Quandt made a motion to pay the $347.25 <br /> Bredthauer seconded the motion. Bredthauer, Hartman, Hurst, Lancaster, Quandt, <br /> Peterson and Richardson all voted yes and none voted no. Motion Carried. <br /> D) DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING FINANCIAL POINT OF <br /> CONTACT FOR THE DOJ AWARD GRANT <br /> Humphrey stated that they received a department of justice grant in the amount of <br /> $58.008.00 and in order to receive the award the Board has to designate somebody as <br /> the financial point of contact. <br /> Lancaster stated that she thinks Humphrey would be best for the contact person, as he <br /> is familiar with this grant and gathers the information to send to state. <br /> Bredthauer made a motion to appoint Loren Humphrey as the point of contact for the <br /> DOJ award grant, Hurst seconded the motion. Bredthauer, Hartman, Hurst, Lancaster, <br /> Quandt, Peterson and Richardson all voted yes, none voted no. Motion Carried. <br /> 13 COUNTY TREASURER — DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION TO APPROVE <br /> RESOLUTIONS TO CLOSE HOME FEDERAL BANK FEDERAL DRUG <br /> FORFEITURE ACCOUNT-Verplank stated that this account had been <br /> separated years ago. It was an account for federal grant money for drug <br /> forfeitures, she stated it will not be used anymore and the money will be <br /> transferred back in the general account, she just needs a resolution to approve <br /> to close the account. <br />