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Lancaster stated that the classification committee did approve the job descriptions <br /> but chose to leave the ranges in the hands of the county board. She stated the only <br /> recommendation that the classification committee made was for these job <br /> descriptions and setting them as a working position. <br /> Quandt stated that after reading through the packet there don't seem like any money <br /> savings. Quandt stated that to many managers and not enough workers. Quandt stated <br /> that Steve need's help and in his opinion needs another assistant superintendent to get <br /> things done. <br /> Hartman stated give Steve a chance to make this work and he will get jobs done. <br /> Peterson stated that if you read the job descriptions they will take some load off of <br /> Steve. <br /> Lancaster stated she does have concerns that somebody does need to keep track of <br /> projects to make sure things are getting done and moving forward. She stated there <br /> needs to be better communication. <br /> Hartman made a motion and Richardson seconded the motion to approve job <br /> descriptions for Roads & Bridge foreman, Shop Manager, Construction Tech. <br /> Bredthauer and Quandt voted no. Hartman, Hurst, Lancaster, Peterson and Richardson <br /> all voted yes, motion carried. <br /> 8 (D) DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION SETTING PAY RANGES FOR <br /> A. Roads & Bridge Foreman <br /> B. Shop Manager <br /> C. Construction Tech <br /> Lancaster stated that you would entertain a motion to look at these pay ranges <br /> and discuss in two weeks. <br /> Bredthauer made a motion to move the pay ranges in two weeks, she stated they <br /> need time to study. Quandt seconded the motion. Bredthauer, Lancaster, <br /> Quandt, Peterson all voted yes, Hurst, Hartman, Richardson all voted no. Motion <br /> Carried. <br /> 9 DISCUSSION REGARDING NACO LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP- Ron Peterson <br /> stated he was contacted by NACO regarding this scholarship. He wanted department <br /> heads and leaders aware of this. There is $1,500.00 scholarship to pay for most of the <br /> cost for the program. <br /> Peterson made a motion to send letter out to the department heads with the information <br /> regarding the scholarship. Quandt seconded the motion. Bredthauer, Hartman, Hurst, <br /> Lancaster, Quandt, Peterson, Richardson all voted yes, none voted no. Motion Carried. <br />