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Lancaster stated that training could have been some of the issue and thinks would be <br /> beneficial to work thru some of the problems to make sure tax payers are getting correct <br /> information sent to them. <br /> Richardson stated if something not working then don't make sense to keep paying for it <br /> Bob stated they would work with them closer and do more training and get it all figured <br /> out. <br /> The Deputy County Assessor Mandy asked if they would have someone actually <br /> coming in and doing the training. She also stated that she wants to be shown how to do <br /> things, not just things done by them. <br /> Bob stated if something not being done or handled correctly they are to contact him <br /> directly. <br /> Richardson stated she would be happy to work with Carstensen and making sure the <br /> communication between the Assessor and Vanguard keep flowing <br /> Break 10:30 am <br /> Meeting back in session 10:36 am <br /> 12 RATIFY APPROVAL OF EIR FUNDS CLERK OF DIST COURT FROM COPY <br /> MACHINE TO NEW DROP BOX FOR COURTHOUSE ($1,000.00)-Lancaster stated <br /> that Dist Court was wanting to contribute toward drop box just needed approval to do <br /> so. Quandt made a motion to approve and Bredthauer seconded the motion, <br /> Bredthauer, Hurst, Hartman, Quandt, Lancaster, Peterson and Richardson all voted yes <br /> and none voted no. Motion Carried. <br /> 14 DISCUSSION AND POSSILBE ACTION ON PUTTING SPENDING CAP ON <br /> COUNTY SPENDING —Quandt asked the commissioners to put a spending cap of$500 <br /> or some type of freeze, due to Covid-19 issues and businesses being closed. <br /> Hartman agreed that freezing everything right now good idea until they can monitor all <br /> this mess better. <br /> Hurst, Richardson, and Peterson think department heads are capable of using common <br /> sense on spending and don't need to freeze or set limit or micromanage their <br /> departments. <br /> Hurst made motion for a directive to Department heads about spending and only on <br /> essential items at this time. Quandt seconded the motion. Bredthauer, Hurst, Quandt, <br /> Peterson, Lancaster, Richardson all voted yes and Hartman voted no. Motion Carried. <br />