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Lancaster stated that the employees would do the mowing <br /> 6 PUBLIC WORKS-DISCUSSION & CONSIDERATION AND AUTHORTIZATION <br /> FOR CHAIR TO SIGN CONTRACT OF AWARDING $16,000.00 CONTRACT TO <br /> MYERS HEATING AND NC FOR HVAC REPLACEMENT AT HALL COUNTY <br /> HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT, THIS WOULD IN ESSENCE STOP THE <br /> CONSIDERATION OF HOOKER BROS PROPERTY-Hartman made a motion <br /> and Quandt seconded it to approve signing the contract for$16,000.00 for Myers <br /> Heating and NC. Bredthauer, Hurst, Hartman, Lancaster, Quandt, Peterson and <br /> Richardson all voted yes, motion carried. <br /> 7 RATIFY DECISIONS REGARDING <br /> (A)TEMPORARY SHUTDOWN OF DRIVERS LICENSE —Lancaster stated it was <br /> best shut down for now as more traffic was coming to our building from all over <br /> the state. <br /> (B)GLASS INSERTIONS FOR COUNTY OFFICES-Lancaster stated the glass <br /> that was put in was not shooter proof but serves purpose of helping with virus. <br /> (C)FAMILY RESTROOM ON FIRST FLOOR AVAILABLE TO PUBLIC-Lancaster <br /> stated that upstairs bathroom was for employees only and was good idea. <br /> (D)PUBLIC WORKS/PARKS BUILDING SECURITY FOR ELECTION DAY- <br /> Lancaster stated this would be for election day only as in person voting was <br /> called off by governor, they will just serve as a hall monitor to make sure <br /> people getting to the right place. <br /> (E)DELAY BIDS ON ABESTOS REMOVAL AND/OR DEMOLITION OF OLD <br /> HEALTH DEPT. —Lancaster sated bids for this were set aside until further <br /> notice. <br /> (F)APPROVE LINE ITEM FOR EXPENDITURE OF COUNTY DROP BOXES- <br /> Lancaster stated to pay for these two drop boxes one for Admin building and <br /> other for the Courthouse it would come out of the Federal expense line item <br /> and taken out of building and grounds dept. <br /> (G)HEALTH INSURANCE NEW FEDERAL GUIDELINES DIRECTIVE TO MATT- <br /> Lancaster stated after working with Matt W. there were two new guidelines for <br /> health insurance and that they were a must have. She stated that tele-med is <br /> same or less expensive than going into the doctors office. <br /> (H)CLERK'S OFFICE NOT ISSUING MARRIAGE LICENSES (ONLY IN <br /> EMERGENCY SITUATIONS) FOR THE REST OF APRIL AND POSSIBLY <br /> LONGER-Lancaster stated that people were coming in to get licenses when <br /> they were not getting married for months down the road so there was no rush. <br /> Also more traffic from people coming from other counties and states to get <br /> license. <br /> (I) EXTENSION OFFICE'S BOARD MEMEBERS TO SIGN CLIAMS <br /> ELECTRONICALLY DUE TO BUILDING CLOSED-Shanda Conley stated that <br /> D'Ette Scholtz had reached out to her and would like approval for board <br /> members to sign claims electronically since they are closed. <br /> Richardson asked how much the drop boxes cost the County? <br />