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Lancaster stated $4,000.00 for admin building and $2,500.00 for court house <br /> box. And they would come out of federal disaster line item in building and <br /> grounds. <br /> Quandt made a motion to approve to ratify A thru I and what Lancaster has <br /> done the last two weeks in behalf of the board, Bredthauer seconded the <br /> motion. <br /> Quandt thanked Pam Lancaster for all her work and time spent and working <br /> with elected officials <br /> Bredthauer, Hurst, Hartman, Lancaster, Quandt, Peterson and Richardson all <br /> voted yes, none voted no Motion carried. <br /> 8 APPROVE BOARD CHAIR TO CONTINUE TO MAKE DECISIONS IN HALL <br /> COUNTY'S BEST INTEREST BETWEEN BOARD MEETINGS-Lancaster <br /> stated that things come up that need resolutions. She mentioned that working <br /> with the sheriff and Todd there was a bill being passed called Hero's act 2020 <br /> that would create a tax holiday to first responders such as law enforcement, <br /> corrections officers, EMT's , firefighters pharmacist, nurses and long term care <br /> nurses and doctors during the corona outbreak, she mentioned she will get <br /> something wrote up and send to state hoping bill will pass. <br /> Richardson stated the board should still be having their meetings as usual they <br /> could do a rotation if need be, she stated it works fine the way they have been <br /> doing it with some on zoom, but that if employees are expected to be in on a <br /> daily basis they should be at meetings. She is okay with Pam making <br /> decisions regarding the Covid-19 that would come up in between meetings, <br /> but she would like to be kept in loop. <br /> Lancaster stated just trying to follow the governors 10 people rule and is <br /> directive. <br /> Richardson stated having the meetings like the current one and the last one <br /> work fine with some in room and some on zoom. <br /> Quandt made a motion to have Chair Lancaster make emergency decisions in <br /> between board meetings regarding COVID-19, Bredthauer, Hurst, Hartman, <br /> Lancaster, Quandt, Peterson, and Richardson all voted yes, none voted no <br /> motion carried. <br /> Carstensen stated that there has been Friday meetings on zoom with elected <br /> officials to share the challenges that each offices are facing from week to <br /> week. <br />