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employees we can protect the better she stated. The policy is set up to give the <br /> elected official the authority or discretion to grant administrative leave, she stated <br /> this would not be a bank that somebody could bank for leave. This policy will help <br /> prevent wide spread sickness within departments she stated she would like the <br /> board to consider this policy, she stated this is all brand new and there are tons of <br /> questions. <br /> Lancaster stated that they are very concerned about taking care of our employees <br /> and to make sure we maintain our work force, these policies would help if they were <br /> to get this virus. <br /> Hartman questioned if they had any idea how much this might cost Hall County <br /> Lancaster stated not knowing if and how many people may be ill, she said this could <br /> potentially be very expensive, but that we do have a responsibility to our people. <br /> Todd Bahensky stated that the sheriff and himself have had numerous <br /> conversations about it, knowing full well that with our employees being in that <br /> category of emergency personnel we need to have the ability to keep people at work <br /> in certain situations, however we can't disregard the fact that with this virus we can't <br /> allow or encourage these people to come to work when they are sick, things like that <br /> would just cause us huge problems and we need to have the avenue for them to be <br /> able to get the time off and not be in a position that they have to use all of their <br /> accrued leave or if they are some of the newer people that don' t have the leave. <br /> Bahensky stated he thinks it is important to come up with a plan, and he feels <br /> Carstensen's admin leave is a good one and they will use it within reason, he states <br /> this way they can give them a similar benefit as what the rest of population is getting, <br /> he states he feels this is a good plan. <br /> Richard Conrad stated it's important and his biggest concern is number one is that <br /> things change day to day, and really it's the un known that's coming to us, he has <br /> expressed his concerns to Sarah when he may have an employee where they may <br /> would be in a situation where they have been exposed, he questioned do I risk <br /> exposing an entire shift, no that will wipe us out, and we just can't do that he stated. <br /> He believes this Administrative leave is a great tool for us to utilize and try to keep <br /> everyone as healthy as possible. Conrad thanked the Board for considering this he <br /> thinks he speaks for all his guys and gals out there in uniform, thank you for <br /> including them he stated. This is important because when you work in a first <br /> responder type deal you just have to be there, you signed up so you have to be <br /> there. I have staff that have kids and kids get sick and they need to be there for their <br /> families but they also need to be here for us, we don't want to get down to the point <br /> where we don't have bodies to cover the county. He stated he does have staff <br /> members that are maxed out on leave time, and we may get to the point where you <br /> just can't take time off, I propose that we just go ahead and let them carry that time <br /> over, he stated he is not saying they can't take vacation time they are not at that <br />