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point yet but just in case it would come to that, I just think it is only fair they continue <br /> to accumulate their leave time rather than lose it he stated. <br /> Lancaster stated she didn't think anyone would dis agree with Conrad, the feels the <br /> board has been concerned about making sure the people have financial resources <br /> to take care of themselves and their families and serve the county as well. She <br /> stated that they can trust the fact that they do care about their people and we will <br /> make it work somehow she stated. <br /> Conrad stated this has shown where everyone is really at with the county and the <br /> board and the folks I have dealt with have been nothing but gracious to us and <br /> showing us they support the Sheriff's department and the employees, it's nice to be <br /> able go back to my staff and let them know the Commissioners have their back, and <br /> I appreciate it and our people appreciate it he stated. <br /> Butch Hurst made a motion to approve the (A) FMLA resolution Gary Quandt <br /> seconded the motion. Karen Bredthauer, Butch Hurst, Dick Hartman, Gary Quandt, <br /> Pam Lancaster, Ron Peterson and Jane Richardson all voted yes, none vote no. <br /> Motion Carried. <br /> Quandt made a motion to approve the resolution (B) for Emergency paid sick leave <br /> Bredthauer seconded. Bredthauer, Hurst, Hartman, Quandt, Lancaster, Peterson <br /> and Richardson all voted yes and none voted no. Motion Carried. <br /> Break 9:38 am <br /> Back in session 9:45 am <br /> Quandt made a motion to approve the resolution (C) First Responder Administrative <br /> Leave Peterson seconded. Bredthauer, Hurst, Hartman, Quandt, Lancaster, <br /> Peterson and Richardson all voted yes and none voted no. Motion Carried. <br /> 5 BID OPENING FOR THE FIRE SUPPRESSION SPRINKLER SYSTEM FOR THE <br /> HALL COUNTY COURT HOUSE-Loren Humphrey stated there was one bid for the <br /> fire suppression sprinkler system from Mid Plains Construction. <br /> Gary Quandt stated that when we only receive one bid that we need to take a <br /> serious look at it, he also stated that we don't know where things are going to be in 3 <br /> months due to the COVID-19 virus as far as finances go, he said there are so many <br /> pieces and that our income is going down, the Keno is going down, property taxes <br /> are going down he questioned how can we ask people to pay taxes on business <br /> when businesses are closed. Quandt stated he would like to delay opening of this <br /> bid. <br />