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Page 12 <br /> Received the Annual Giving payment of$40,000 from Foundation. Memberships are up. <br /> Education programing is up $7,000 over last year. We are at 72.6%of the budget. We are <br /> ahead of the curve. <br /> Expenses: Construction projects of the roof repair was high. Facility Sales had additional <br /> program fees. Total month in the black by$74,000 For the year we are running in the black <br /> currently. <br /> Reviewed check register for checks over$100 and ACH payments. Total was$125,394.72 <br /> including payroll. <br /> Accounts cash on hand: $462,000--$60,000 more than prior month. Down from last year, due to <br /> the funds that were transferred to Foundation on the recommendation from the auditors. Motion <br /> to approve the financials records by Ms. Nolan Brown and seconded by Mr. Marsh. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> Adjustment to Budget Line Item <br /> Mrs. Hunt explained upon the recommendation from the Auditors the Museum shop cost of <br /> goods should be 44%of what projected Revenue for the Shop. The current line item for cost of <br /> goods is $35,000, and it is recommended to lower that to $27,000. Then to balance the budget <br /> the$8,000 will be moved to Professional Services line item to help with the expenses of the <br /> search for the new director. Mr. Janulewicz made a motion to approve the budget changes to <br /> Museum cost of goods and Professional Services. Mr. Allen seconded. Motion carried. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Committee Restructure <br /> The updated Committees list was in the packet. Committee chairs and Mr. Hochstetler are <br /> setting up meeting times. Mrs. Martin asked for a vote to approve the committees and the chairs <br /> as outlined. Mr. Deitemeyer made a motion to approve. Ms. Nolan Brown seconded. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> Schedule Committee Meetings <br /> Bylaw/Policy Procedure meeting is set <br /> Buildings and Grounds meeting is being scheduled <br /> Education meeting is set. <br /> Collections meeting is set. <br /> Admission Price Increase <br /> The new admission price went into effect 2/1/2020. Mrs. Martin asked if any negative comments <br /> have resulted in the price increase. Nothing as this time. The pricing for events will have some <br /> flexibility. <br /> Purchase Replacement Tipi Update <br /> Mr. Oshlo reported the tipi is ordered and on its way. The pole can be purchased from <br /> Wisconsin. They are lighter weight wood but just as strong. One set is$400. We can order two <br /> sets plus delivery charge less than one set from the other company. The Wisconsin company <br /> will not be able to get to them until spring so no action at this time. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> No new business. <br />