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HALL COUNTY LEOP ANNEX D <br /> III. ASSUMPTIONS and PLANNING FACTORS <br /> A. There are groups of non-English speaking people in Hall County. However, <br /> most household have members who can adequately read the newspaper <br /> and/or understand spoken English. In addition, press releases and notices <br /> will also be sent to the Spanish newspaper and radio station to further the <br /> emergency message on their media outlets, including social media and their <br /> website. <br /> B. There are provisions for disseminating emergency information to persons <br /> with access and functional needs. <br /> C. It is critical that the public have confidence that the local governments is in <br /> control of the situation. Awareness of an event, warnings and timely reports <br /> of actions mitigating the event, potential consequences, information, public <br /> orders/directions and information gains and builds this public confidence. <br /> D. During and after a disaster, specific protective action information and advice <br /> to the public is essential to maximize survival and protect property. Most of <br /> the public would comply with official advice received by them. <br /> E. Implementing the Joint Information System concept integrates incident <br /> information and public affairs into a cohesive organization providing <br /> consistent, coordinated, timely information. <br /> F. The media's approach to reporting disasters has, at times, crossed the line to <br /> sensationalism. Timely and accurate information from a credible source <br /> builds public confidence, reduces panic, fear and adverse public responses. <br /> G. Public broadcast outlets have a choice in which emergency messages they <br /> transmit. <br /> IV. ORGANIZATION and RESPONSIBILITIES <br /> A. The Public Information Officer (PIO) directs all City and County emergency <br /> public information activities and interfaces with the public and media and with <br /> other agencies with incident-related information. The PIO is responsible for <br /> the collection, coordination, development, dissemination and monitoring of <br /> emergency public information. <br /> B. The County Public Information Officer has been appointed by, and is the <br /> official spokesperson for the Board Chair and the City Public Informaiton <br /> Officer has been appointed by the Mayor. The PIOs are a member of the <br /> Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Staff. The PIOs will coordinate all <br /> D-3 <br /> 2020 <br />