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They have tried to separate the juvenile cases on the claims if they are delinquency or abuse or <br /> neglect cases but unfortunately they are not always processed correctly. The numbers seem to <br /> be consistent. <br /> Mr. Klein stated that it has been a blessing to his office it goes from their attorney and to <br /> Dorothy and there is a substantial cost savings. It is $100.00an hour for outside counsel and his <br /> take is that it is a cost savings. <br /> Dorothy has done an excellent job and when the budget is set next year they would like to <br /> request another attorney. Gerry also noted that there are JV cases that date back to 2012. <br /> They have attempted to separate the juvenile cases from the cases but that does not always <br /> happen. When the Judges sign off on the claims we have to pay them. <br /> Hartman stated it seems to him he needs the people and what do we do not give it to him what <br /> then? It is not in the budget this fiscal year so it can be addressed in July. It is either pay an <br /> employee or the Judges will appoint one. <br /> Gerry stated he may have to withdraw from some of the cases but Dorothy is helping with some <br /> of the costs. We need to take a look at it. The numbers support another attorney the board can <br /> add a position or wait. Mr. Klein stated that he supports hiring another attorney. <br /> Mr. Peterson stated that appropriate time would to address it at budget time and they may have <br /> better numbers. But it has difficult to get the numbers. Gerry stated it is difficult to divide them <br /> out short of doing an individual audit and some cases are from 2012. <br /> Richardson noted that the work is getting done it is just how much do we want to pay. We may <br /> not be able to do it before budget time it is a financial decision. The board knows the numbers. <br /> Bredthauer noted that Dorothy was hired because we were paying outside attorneys and they <br /> looked at hiring an employee plus benefits so Dorothy was hired. There needs to be discussion <br /> and look at the numbers. <br /> Mr. Piccolo stated that to establish the office we started with one attorney and there is a need <br /> for a second attorney. It is attribute to the work Dorothy does. It will save money and the <br /> number of cases support another attorney. <br /> Quandt noted that it is not in his budget this fiscal year. He has one deputy but is entitled to 2. <br /> Richardson noted that it just moves dollars from one pot to another. <br /> Lancaster noted they did not address the back log of cases. Mr. Klein noted that they had about <br /> 600 cases and they have now worked with the courts to get the cases filed and that black log <br /> has been filed. The Judges just had to find time to get the cases scheduled. <br /> Jerry stated that even with a spike in the cases it will average out in 4 or 5 months. <br /> 10.DISUCSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING APPROVAL OF PROPOSAL FROM <br /> ADVANCED CORRECTIONAL HEALTH CARE FOR INMATE MEDICAL SERVICES AND <br /> AUTHORIZE TODD BAHENSKY TO NEGOTITE A CONTRACT - Corrections Director Todd <br /> 6 <br />