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Greg Baxter, Grand Island expressed concern that the board did not follow the agenda <br /> this is not a public hearing and the information should be stricken from the record. Jan <br /> should be able to give her opinion and other interested parties are not present. <br /> Arnold stated there will be another opportunity at the May 17 meeting to be heard. The <br /> board does allow public comment on agenda items and this is not a public hearing. He <br /> ask for a motion to postpone this item. <br /> Lancaster stated the board always allows the public to participate they hear from <br /> constituents and they want to make it easy for the public to approach the board. It does <br /> not have to be a public hearing. <br /> Arnold called for a motion to postpone the item regarding Whooping Crane Trust until <br /> May 17, 2016. <br /> Lancaster made a motion and Richardson seconded to postpone the item regarding <br /> Whooping Crane Trust until May 17, 2016. Mrs. Narbor stated she would also come <br /> back on May 17, 2016. Arnold, Lancaster, Lanfear, Purdy, Quandt, Richardson and <br /> Schuppan all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> Chairman Arnold called for public participation and no one responded. <br /> 3. COUNTY TREASURER - DISCUSS &APPROVE EXEMPTION APPLICATION FOR <br /> GREAT PLAINS ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - <br /> Deputy County Treasurer Alaina Verplank read the exemption application from Great <br /> Plains Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, 2418 Webb Road, STE I, <br /> Grand Island, for a 2016 Honda Accord to be used supervision of 71 churches and <br /> pastors for the churches. County Treasurer Peg Pesek has recommended approval as <br /> per Nebraska State Statute 77-202 and is asking the county board to approve. <br /> Lancaster made a motion and Purdy seconded to approve the exemption application for <br /> Great Plains Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. Arnold, Lancaster, <br /> Lanfear, Purdy, Quandt, Richardson and Schuppan all voted yes and none voted no. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> 5. TAX CORRECTION NOTICES — County Assessor Jan Pelland presented tax <br /> correction notices #5058 and #5059 and asked for a motion to accept and authorize the <br /> chair to initial. <br /> Lanfear made a motion and Schuppan seconded to accept tax correction notice 5058 <br /> and 5059 and authorize the chair to initial. Arnold, Lancaster, Lanfear, Purdy, Quandt, <br /> Richardson and Schuppan all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> Schuppan stated that he and Dan Purdy talked to Mr. Zitterkopf about retaining other <br /> legal counsel for the Crane Trust case. <br />