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Lancaster made a motion and Richardson seconded to approve the exemption applications for <br /> Orphan Grain Train, St Mary's Cathedral Daycare and Heartland Lutheran High school. Arnold, <br /> Lancaster, Lanfear, Purdy, Quandt, Richardson and Schuppan all voted yes and none voted no. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> 2. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON PROTESTS FILED DURING UNDERVALUED, <br /> OVERVALUED AND OMITTED PROPERTY PROTEST PERIOD— County Assessor Jan <br /> Pelland stated that the protest period ended on July 19, 2015 for these protests and she did <br /> receive 12. One was a duplicate from Hornady Farms. <br /> Michael Pitcher 2417 Lakewood Drive, this was an equalization issue and this was reviewed <br /> and the value was lowered to $318,329 <br /> Hornady Farms this was changed from dryland to irrigated from the NRD update and the protest <br /> stated there were extra acres and there was a correction made and the value was lowered to <br /> $364,787 <br /> Keith Brown Center TWP 7-11-10 he protested the number of acres on the irrigated acres they <br /> remapped the area and it was lowered to $632,964 <br /> Gerald Kosmicki, 4724 Calvin Drive, this was regarding the area of the swimming pool and the <br /> amount of concrete it was re-measured and lowered to $198,215 <br /> Kenneth Layher, 5212 S Burwick Road, Wood River he received the amended notice but the <br /> value on the protest was the June 1st value not the amended value. He talked to the assessor <br /> and there were missing buildings they there was one building removed and they adjusted the <br /> depreciation it was lowered to $735,897 <br /> Michael Wissing Wood River this is property in Wood River and they had one protest during the <br /> regular board of equalization and both were on the land value there was an adjustment made <br /> and it was lowered to $61,303 <br /> Hardware Land Company, 1704 West Third this is Ace Hardware they looked at the property <br /> and there was some concrete that was missing and an older building, they changed the <br /> occupancy code to better fit the building and it was lowered to $40,242 <br /> Hardware Land Company, 1704 West Third this is Ace Hardware this was just on the parking lot <br /> and they added come concrete so recommended no change <br /> Delbert Stueven 5251 W Husker Hwy, this is the property at CAAP that has the hike and bike <br /> trail and they have accounted for the trail and Jan stated that she is not sure if it would affect the <br /> marketability it has 4 wells and he could not clear the trees and put up the pivot. She has to <br /> recommend no change it is irrigated. Schuppan stated he mailed Mr. Stueven information <br /> regarding this <br /> Delbert Stueven 5251 W Husker Hwy—this is classified by the NRD as highly erodible ground <br /> Y Y 9 Y 9 <br /> and he can plant and harvest but cannot cultivate. Jan stated that it is currently has a 7% <br /> reduction and the board could change the percentage. Discussion was held and Arnold stated <br /> they have already made adjustments recommended no change <br /> 2 <br />