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exemption application as per Nebraska State Statute 77-202. She is asking the board <br /> for a motion to approve these exemption applications. <br /> Lancaster made a motion and Schuppan seconded to approve the exemption <br /> application for Hall County Senior Citizens Industries for 2 buses and for Peace <br /> Lutheran Church for the trailer. Arnold, Lancaster, Lanfear, Purdy, Quandt, Richardson <br /> and Schuppan all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> 9:15 A.M. HEARING FOR UNDER VALUED OVER VALUED AND OMITTED <br /> PROPERTY Deputy County Assessor Brb Stoddard was present and read the <br /> following into the record: <br /> Hooker Brothers Construction Company, Center Township 23-11-10 for 19.86 acres <br /> there new value was $148,759 and they are requesting $105,806 <br /> Keith Brown, Center Twp. 7-11-10 new value was $635,304 for the land value and he is <br /> requesting $613,626 <br /> Keith Brown was present and he stated that 97.3 acres are irrigated of the 102 total <br /> acres so there is a difference of .04 hundredths of an acre and he was advised to file <br /> the protest. He is waiting to hear back from NRD to verify the acres. The acres that the <br /> assessor is using are not the same. He has his certification and they need the correct <br /> number of acres from the NRD. Ms. Stoddard stated that they are waiting for the <br /> information from the NRD and they will make it accurate. <br /> Schuppan noted that they have always honored the acres from the NRD. <br /> Mr. Brown also stated that they soil maps show a difference on the soil types so this <br /> may also be an issue with the valuation. He expressed concern on the difference from <br /> the June 1 valuation notice and this last valuation notice. <br /> Lancaster noted that he is disputing this information and they will need to adjust <br /> according to the certified acres. Mr. Brown agreed and the board will honor that <br /> information and the assessor will revalue. <br /> Michael Pitcher, 2417 Lakewood Drive, Grand Island his new value was $362,714 and <br /> he is requesting $270,270, He is requesting the 2014 value he submitted a residential <br /> data sheet on his neighbors properties. <br /> Gerald & Judy Kosmicki, 4724 Calvin Drive, Grand Island Ms. Stoddard stated that he <br /> received the 20% increase on a rural sub. He also expressed concern on the pool area <br /> and the measurement may be different she stated they will redraw the pool area. <br /> Delbert Stueven 5251 W Husker Highway Parcel ID #400406373 located in 14 11 11 <br /> the new value of the land was $714,788 and he is requesting $100,000 He expressed <br /> 2 <br />