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concern on the number of the certified acres. The assessor will check the numbers but it <br /> is based on the NRD acres. . <br /> Delbert Stueven 5251 W Husker Highway, Parcel ID #400190192 he stated that this is <br /> CRP land it has blowing sand, he can't work the ground and it is highly erodible ground. <br /> Mr. Stueven stated that this is land at CAAP and it has the hike and bike trail on it. He <br /> put a pivot on the land but was stopped and now he cannot use it. <br /> Schuppan noted that when the army signed off on the land the city had an easement for <br /> the hike and bike trails but nothing has been done. There were issues with the trees <br /> also. Mr. Stueven stated that he was supposed to be to be able to use the land in 2 <br /> years. It is an issue but de does not know the solution. <br /> Lancaster stated that the reuse committee may be able to consider this issue. The well <br /> sites are on the city easements so he cannot use it. Schuppan also stated that the city <br /> is now allowing him to remove the trees. <br /> Edward and Carol Rawlings, 420 Cherokee, Grand Island the value went up 5% the <br /> same as all of Grand Island. He expressed concern on the square footage of his home <br /> and noted there is a large patio, a parking pad and an open porch. Ms. Stoddard stated <br /> that she will check the square footage of the house and verify the other information. <br /> There were no more requests for hearings. <br /> NEW OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS —The board cannot take action on non-agenda <br /> items —Chairman Arnold called for new or unfinished business and no one responded. <br /> Returned to the regular meeting at 10:00 a.m. <br /> aria IT" Orri e ' all County( Jerk <br /> 41 ' s;,PA� <br /> 3 <br />