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Arnold noted this can be simple just take other names off and make it your own. There needs to <br /> be county board consent to approve a letter going forward. <br /> Quandt expressed concern this was regarding MAAA and he sent a copy of the editorial from <br /> the paper. It was information for them to make a good decision regarding changing the policy. <br /> Discussion was held there is not a policy and Lancaster noted that Gary signed the letter and it <br /> is board stationery <br /> The vote on the motion was taken. Arnold, Lancaster, Lanfear, Richardson and Schuppan all <br /> voted yes and Bredthauer and Quandt voted no. Motion carried. <br /> 8 FACILITIES AGENDA SCOTT ARNOLD <br /> A) FACILITIES UPDATE - Mr. Humphrey stated that they are installing the security system in <br /> the Courthouse, mapping out the wire and how they will need to pull the wires. It will take some <br /> time but they will get it accomplished. <br /> The work in Judge Young's' courtroom is scheduled for this week they will start tomorrow and <br /> be finished by Friday. <br /> b) UPDATE ON SAFETY ASSESSMENT— Mr. Humphrey stated that Terry Baxter with NIRMA <br /> was here and they did the safety assessment of all of the buildings. He spent 2 days working <br /> with him and they talked to every department head and walked the buildings. Mr. Baxter will <br /> provide a report after the first of the year and meet with the safety committee first. The report <br /> will be provided to all of the board members and they he will go over the report in executive <br /> session because of the information in the report. It was questioned if there could be in <br /> executive session and Ms. Carstensen stated that this would be an exception to the open <br /> meeting act because this deals with a security report. He stated that this was very educational <br /> and he learned a lot. There are maintenance issues that can to be addressed to improve the <br /> security of the buildings. <br /> c) DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING CHANGING PAINT COLOR FOR <br /> COURTHOUSE WINDOWS - Mr. Humphrey stated that the board had agreed to use the dark <br /> green color for the Courthouse windows and after discussion with the manufacturer and the <br /> paint company they have informed him that in 5 or 6 years the green paint will fade and <br /> because it is on wood and metal there will be 2 different colors of green. They have suggested <br /> using the bronze color because it will not fade as badly and will not change colors. <br /> Lancaster stated she preferred the bronze color and appreciated that they came forward with <br /> this information. <br /> Lancaster made a motion and Lanfear seconded to change the color of the Courthouse <br /> windows from green to bronze. <br /> Arnold noted that they cannot guarantee that any paint won't fade. Mr. Humphrey stated that <br /> the green will fade to a yellow color so you will see a bigger difference in the colors. <br /> Sarah Carstensen questioned if this would be a problem with the tax credits and Mr. Humphrey <br /> stated it would not. <br /> 5 <br />