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Bredthauer expressed concern on Cedarview Road there was damage to the shoulders and <br /> they placed millings on the corner. She also questioned when the snow fence would be put up <br /> and Steve stated that they wait until the crops are all out and he does not have the schedule <br /> and it is based on the type of crops and the need. She also noted she had a phone call <br /> regarding salting the roads. <br /> Schuppan noted that a lot of the fields are still been harvested and the holes in the road are <br /> caused by the smit trucks. Thus has been an unusual year with the early snow. <br /> Discussion was held on the replacement of Dave's truck and Mr. Riehle stated they are working <br /> with the insurance company and it has not been settled yet. <br /> Lancaster questioned if there was a concern on the NIRMA insurance and Mr. Riehle stated that <br /> if there is a plan in place and they have to wait until the crops are out even if they put up flags <br /> the semi-trucks run over the flags. <br /> Richardson stated that if the board members have issues to let Steve know what issues need to <br /> be addressed and he will give an update at the board meeting. <br /> Mr. Riehle stated they tried to pour the last section of the parking lot but they had problems with <br /> the paver and intend to try to pour on Friday. The door to the executive assistant's office is to <br /> be changed and they will have a drain pipe put in to drain to the curb. There was also a request <br /> to move the dumpster to another place it is an eyesore. <br /> 13. APPROVE EARLY CLAIMS Lancaster questioned the claims for the health insurance and <br /> County Clerk Marla Conley explained that this bill is received on the 15th of the month and <br /> because of the early claim day they did not have the bill so it was added and had to be paid. <br /> Mr. Quandt also had questioned the bill for J.I.L and Mr. Riehle explained what was being paid. <br /> Lanfear made a motion and Quandt seconded to approve the claims. Arnold, Bredthauer, <br /> Lancaster, Lanfear, Quandt, Richardson and Schuppan all voted yes and none voted no. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> 7. DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING USE OF COUNTY BOARD <br /> STATIONERY - Mr. Lanfear noted that there is not a policy on the use of board stationery and it <br /> is to be used for official business or approval by the county board. He expressed concern <br /> regarding personal used of the stationery. <br /> Bredthauer stated she used stationery to apply for the board position at NIRMA but is had the <br /> county seal but only her name and supervisor district. Discussion was held and the board <br /> agreed that her stationery was a nice idea she created her own. <br /> Arnold noted you can make your own letterhead but he does have an issue use county board <br /> letterhead on a controversial position when not all of the board members may agree. Official <br /> letterhead should be approved by a voted of the board and signed by the chair. <br /> Arnold made a motion and Lanfear seconded to limit correspondence using county board <br /> stationery that is specific to an individual supervisor. They could use their own stationery and <br /> remove the names of the rest of the supervisors. <br /> Lancaster expressed concern making policies on the fly they need to think this through. <br /> 4 <br />