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wide reduction of$555,023 but increased costs. He noted for the 2018 —2019 budget they will <br /> receive $197,143. They submit the application in December but will not know what will happen <br /> until July 1s`. They can make some adjustments throughout the year. In the past they were able <br /> to use unspent funds but they were not able to do it last year and will not be able to do it this <br /> year. The unspent funds are returned to the Crime Commission. There was another <br /> enhancement grant that they were able to use for electronic monitoring and they did spend <br /> more the first year and he is requesting $10,000.00 this year. <br /> He also noted that Robyn was part time in the past but she is now full time and he is requesting <br /> a portion of her salary and benefits. They also request some of the benefits for the school <br /> intervention program. <br /> Lancaster stated that this is a good benefit for Hall County it saves dollars in court costs and <br /> offers good options for our youth. Judge Mack Martin brought this forward and all of the judges <br /> bought into this program. <br /> County Attorney Sarah Carstensen stated that these are prejudicated youth and noted that Hall <br /> County currently has 4 that are in secure detention and the costs are up. <br /> Randy expressed concern that there are expenses that will be reduced and expressed concern <br /> on the school intervention program normally they use 40 weeks for that program but they had to <br /> cut it down by one week. He also noted that the Hall County Community Collaborative program <br /> has not replaced the director at this time so it should work out. <br /> B) DISCUSS & TAKE ACTION ON ENTERING INTO A MEMORANDUM OF <br /> UNDERSTANDING WITH GRAND ISLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS REGARDING THE SCHOOL <br /> INTERVENTIONIST -This is no different than the previous agreement this is what the school <br /> requires to be in place. <br /> Schuppan made a motion and Quandt seconded to authorize the chair to sign the Memorandum <br /> of Understanding with the Grand Island Public Schools regarding the School Interventionist. <br /> Arnold, Bredthauer, Lancaster, Lanfear, Quandt, Richardson and Schuppan all voted yes and <br /> none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> Mr. See explained that this program originally came through the Hall County Collaborative and <br /> is basically another person in the school system that works with students on school attendance, <br /> academics, juvenile diversion and they work with the school counselors at Barr, Walnut and <br /> Senior. They link up resources with needs. <br /> 5. PUBLIC WORKS—A) UPDATE ON 2018 FALL ASPHALT RESURFACING — Mr. Riehle <br /> stated that the Holling Road project is complete and J.I.L started Wood River Road it started <br /> well and then they ran into problems. They have talked to manufacture representatives and still <br /> have not solved the equipment issues with the paver. Steve expressed concern on the fact that <br /> most asphalt paving stops in Mid-November. He contacted the contractor and ask him not to <br /> move the Cairo project. There are 4 miles that are not covered and he has concern that the <br /> paving will deteriorate unless it is covered. They may have to make a decision if they continue <br /> the contract or pull the contract. <br /> Bredthauer stated that she drove the road and the road is rough and expressed concern if it will <br /> break up during the winter weather and also expressed concern on pot holes. There needs to <br /> be a top coat to protect it through the winter. <br /> 4 <br />