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Bredthauer stated that she did have calls on Abbott Road and Monitor Road and Dave called <br /> her back. Steve stated that he drove a number of roads and looked at Abbott road. He stated <br /> he had a call from a farmer about the grain semi-trucks beating up a section of Abbott Road and <br /> they did rework part of that road but they are still picking corn. Steve stated that they will have <br /> to put gravel on that road. She thanked Steve and Dave for looking at the roads and for Dave <br /> giving her a call back. <br /> 4. COUNTY ATTORNEY— A) DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION ON COUNTY <br /> ATTORNEY'S REPORT REGARDING PROCESS FOLLOWED BY MAAA CONCERNING THE <br /> BY- LAWS -After review the by-laws County Attorney Sarah Carstensen stated she understood <br /> that amendments to the by-laws require the approve of the governing Board but they have to <br /> give 30 days' notice to the agency and to all of the members of the intent to make the change. <br /> There was another notice sent and the by-law change will be voted on at the December <br /> meeting. Even if it was not followed initially they have now taken action to do so and would now <br /> be in compliance. They it would be up to our County Board to comment on the by-law change <br /> but you need to act in the best interest of the County. The question is if it is a good thing for this <br /> board to censure a member or not. <br /> Arnold noted that it is not removal it is a request for removal but it would be up the particular <br /> county board if they agreed. The concern was that there is consistent information. Opinions <br /> are one thing but if the facts contradict what the agency director represents this can cause a <br /> conflict. The rules are set by a higher authority and if the information is not consistent it can <br /> cause problems. If one or more of the members are in conflict of the rules governing the <br /> agency the funding could be jeopardized. The board felt that censure was an option but it still <br /> leaves it up to the county board if they agree or not. The official information comes from the <br /> governing board. They need to make sure they stay in compliance. <br /> Lanfear expressed concern that there is not action that the county can do at this time and felt it <br /> was unfair to ask Ms. Carstensen about this now. <br /> Quandt stated he attends other board and everyone is watching this. It appears to be a gag <br /> order. <br /> It was noted that you still can give an opinion as long as it is an opinions and do not give fads <br /> that affect the agency. <br /> Arnold stated that the dollar amounts were not accurate and they were reported in the paper if <br /> you want information on the dollar amount s you need to contact Midland Area Agency on <br /> Aging. Statements were made that gave an appearance that the governing board was not <br /> aware of state and federal regulations. There was a serious concern on the potential loss of <br /> funding from the Older American Dollars. It was serious because of the audits and findings. It <br /> is important to preserve funding for the 8 county areas. <br /> Quandt questioned if all of the information has to come from the director and if you give an <br /> opinion and if they do not like it they can have you removed. We have 3 members on the board <br /> and should have a voice, this is a joke. Chair Richardson cautioned to not insult other board <br /> members. <br /> Arnold noted that some funding was suspended and there was no denial of funding for the <br /> meals in fact there was an increase. There is a problem when the information is not consistent. <br /> They were trying to prevent damage to Midland Area on Aging this talk is to scare people the <br /> 6 <br />