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Bredthauer stated that people are unsure about the dousing rods but many times you can see <br /> the rectangle shape of the grave and also noted the area that they think is the baby area. She <br /> also noted that the 1975 map is not correct and they are still searching for records. This is an <br /> important part of history that was forgotten. She thanked Michelle for the update. <br /> 9. WENDELL ROSCOE FRIENDSHIP HOUSE PRESENTATION - Mr. Quandt stated Wendell <br /> Roscoe is the new executive director of the Friendship House it is a 20 bed, all male halfway <br /> house it is 85% full. They receive funding from the State of Nebraska Behavioral Health. They <br /> also have a % house that residents go through. A resident has 30 days to secure employment <br /> and if they are not employed they do public service work. They sometime receive funds from <br /> other agencies like CASA. The noted the success story of a 44 year old male that was on <br /> probation 3 times and reentered the halfway house and was referred to an outpatient clinic and <br /> now has had some success. Mr. Roscoe said he has been involved this tis type of work for 40 <br /> years and the friendship house has qualified people. He is pleased to be back in Nebraska and <br /> proud to be there. <br /> Richardson stated that we are lucky to have someone with his experience and it is good to hear <br /> we have good qualified people running it. She thanked him for coming. <br /> Quandt noted they make success stories. <br /> Arnold noted that he has had experience from law enforcement and was on the CNCA board. <br /> With drug and alcohol problems it takes time for people to be successful. Mr. Roscoe stated the <br /> board is welcome to tour the facility. <br /> ANNUAL GRAVEL BID OPENING — Mr. Riehle returned with the results of the gravel bid <br /> opening after reviewing the information. On the bid documents all bidders noted that the prices <br /> could be reduced according to quantity. <br /> He reviewed the following. <br /> Project A Island Landhandlers $57,172.50 $9.45 a ton 20 cents higher 2% increase <br /> Project B Island Landhandlers $47,822.50' $9.25 a ton same as last year <br /> Project C Mid NE Aggregate $94,348.00 $11.45 a ton 31 cents 4.34% higher <br /> Project D' Mid NE Aggregate $92,246.00 $11.98 a ton 54 cents 4.34% higher <br /> Project E Island Landhandlers $92,070.00 $11.00 a ton 6 cents '%% higher <br /> Total Contract $383,659.00 <br /> He stated that the total of all the low bidders was $383,659.00 he budgeted $380,000.00 so the <br /> bids were over budget $3,659.00 and that is 2.5% higher than last year. He did increase the <br /> quantity by 10% this year. He is recommending accepting the low bids and all of the pit prices. <br /> He will reduce the asphalt by the $3,659.00. He also stated that they need to gravel about 20 <br /> miles of roads and they only have enough gravel in the stockpile to do 5 to 7 miles so they will <br /> be using some of this gravel. <br /> Schuppan made a motion and Bredthauer seconded to accept the total low bids of$383,659.00 <br /> and accept all 3 pit prices. As listed. <br /> Project A Island Landhandlers $57,172.50 $9.45 a ton <br /> Project B Island Landhandlers $47,822.50' $9.25 a ton <br /> Project C Mid NE Aggregate $94,348.00 $11.45 a ton <br /> Project D Mid NE Aggregate $92,246.00 $1198 a ton <br /> 4 <br />