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Lancaster noted that the County needs to show what improvements have been made and Mr. <br /> Humphrey stated he has pictures of the improvements and has the other information. It is ADA <br /> compliant <br /> 10:00 A.M. PRESENTATION FROM ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONCERNING <br /> DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING HALL COUNTY ACTING AS THE LOCAL <br /> GOVERNMENTAL APPLICANT TO THE NEBRASKA DEPT. OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br /> FOR AVAILABLE FEDERAL FUNDS FOR BENEFIT OF A POTENTIAL HERITAGE DISPOSAL <br /> BUSINESS AT CORNHUSKER INDUSTRIAL PARK - Mary Berlie with Grand Island Economic <br /> Development Corporation and Sharon Hueftle with South Central Economic Development and <br /> Sharon Gericke with the State of Nebraska were present and also the staff from Heritage <br /> disposal were present. <br /> They are requesting that Hall County consider serving as the applicant for a grant to the <br /> Nebraska Department of Economic Development. There is federal funding from the Housing <br /> and Urban Development that has been awarded to the State of Nebraska for a community <br /> development block grant. Heritage Disposal has been awarded a Department of Defense <br /> contract to dispose of outdated HC smoke. This could bring $12 million in revenue to the facility <br /> and 40 new full time equivalent employees. <br /> Heritage has been approved for the pre application and has been invited to apply for a $1 <br /> million community block grant. The facility is outside of the city limits so Hall County would be <br /> the applicant. <br /> They explained the flow of funding. <br /> • The business incurs the expansion costs payroll and equipment <br /> • Business submits request of reimbursement to SCEDD <br /> • SCEDD reviews submits claim for the County to process <br /> • County approve the claim and it is submitted to Dept. of Economic Development by <br /> SCEDD <br /> • Dept. of Economic Development deposits the funds in the county bank account county <br /> pays the funds to Grand Island Area Economic Development nonprofit development <br /> organization <br /> • Grand Island Area Economic Development loans the funds to the business <br /> • Business repays loan according to agreement <br /> • Grand Island Area Economic Development operates perpetual revolving loan fund <br /> The board members were given tours of the facility. It was noted that SCEDD will receive <br /> $5,000.00 for administration of the grant. The project is to be completed in 24 months. <br /> Schuppan questioned if there is a requirement for repayment and if there is any liability. <br /> There is an agreement for the repayment of the loan and there are security pieces in place. <br /> They have to spend $2 million in order to receive the $1 million. <br /> There was a similar grant that the City applied for Case New Holland. <br /> 5 <br />