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4. COUNTY ATTORNEY— a) DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION ON A REQUEST FOR A <br /> DEED RESTRICTION ON THE SAME PROPERTY PARCEL AS THE MORMON ISLAND <br /> CONSERVATION EASEMENT OF AUGUST 9, 1983 RESOLUTION 83-006784 — County <br /> Attorney Sarah Carstensen stated that this is a portion of land that already has an existing <br /> conservation easement that was effective in 1983. They are requesting an additional deed <br /> restriction on a small parcel. It is currently a small portion of a road and they will change it from <br /> a road to wet lands. It is only 1.89 acres. They want to remove this portion of the road. She <br /> reviewed the statutes and the County already has a conservation easement and this will be an <br /> additional restriction beyond what already exists. The board will need to refer it to the planning <br /> commission for review. There is about .4 acres that the hospital is using so this additional 1.89 <br /> acres can be used for wetlands. <br /> With this request they will ask the Regional Planning Commission to review and it will be an <br /> additional restriction. This allows the county to make good decision on future planning. It is <br /> already under a conservation easement so there is no risk to the County it is just a further <br /> restriction for the whooping cranes. This further restriction will be for management by the Army <br /> Corp of Engineers so the road cannot be used. <br /> Lancaster made a motion and Schuppan seconded to refer the request for a deed restriction to <br /> the Regional Planning Commission. Arnold, Bredthauer, Lancaster, Lanfear, Quandt, <br /> Richardson and Schuppan all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> Chad Nabity was present and stated the Planning Commission will address this. <br /> b) DHHS 116 S PINE STREET DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING THE JULY <br /> 9, 2018 LETTER FROM DHHS - County Attorney Sarah Carstensen stated that on Monday <br /> July 9, at 4:58 p.m. she received an e mail and there were more questions from DHHS she <br /> wanted to bring this to the board and see if the board wants to address the questions. January <br /> 27, 1992 there were ADA changes. The ask if there was an ADA evaluation or any solutions <br /> implemented and they noted the February 2018 request for Mr. Zitterkopf to review the lease <br /> agreement. She stated that they are requesting a meeting in the near future. <br /> Mr. Arnold stated that there have been ADA issues addressed. Ms. Carstensen stated she also <br /> understands that there have been improvements and questioned if the county could do an <br /> internal audit to address ADA assess ability. <br /> Lancaster noted that DHHS has requested to meet. We need a time line on when and what has <br /> been done to this building to show that Hall County is meeting ADA standards. She also ask if <br /> there additional things that need to be done. <br /> Bredthauer questioned if there has been any more correspondence from DHHS and has anyone <br /> from Lincoln been here to see the building. She also noted the difference in the amount of the <br /> requested square footage. She also ask if the RFP was awarded. <br /> Mr. Carstensen stated she does not know if anyone has been out to see the building but at one <br /> time someone was here to lay out the annual plan. Her first communication was on July 10th but <br /> there has been other communication. She stated that she also notices the difference in the <br /> square footage and she does not know if the RFP was awarded. They have been attempting to <br /> schedule a meeting but the response has been slow. Recently they scheduled a meeting the <br /> 25th at 3:00. The committee is Jane Gary and Doug and Gary ask if Pam could take his place <br /> and Loran should also attend. <br /> 4 <br />