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Lanfear made a motion and Schuppan seconded to use the aluminum storm windows on the <br /> Courthouse and use a general contractor to do the installation. <br /> Discussion was held regarding the general contractor and Mr. Humphrey stated that the <br /> company will help with the installation and train them how to install the windows. <br /> Arnold noted that he would like to see wood but the aluminum is a lot less expensive. Lanfear <br /> also stated the wood look better historically but money is an issue and the aluminum windows <br /> can come close. <br /> The vote on the motion to use the aluminum windows and use a general contractor was taken. <br /> Arnold, Bredthauer, Lancaster, Lanfear, Richardson and Schuppan all voted yes and Quandt <br /> voted no. Motion carried. <br /> 10:40 a.m. Held a Board of Corrections meeting. <br /> 11:11 a.m. Recessed the Board of Corrections meeting for the quarterly jail tour and returned to <br /> the regular meeting. <br /> Held a 5 minute break <br /> DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING INCREASE OF BUILDING & LAND <br /> RESERVE BUDGET Arnold noted that there have been several expenses that have come in <br /> after the budget was submitted that need to be addressed in the Building & Land Reserve <br /> Budget. <br /> They want to make sure that the rest of the board approves adding these projects to the reserve <br /> fund or they will have to increase the Building & Grounds Budget. They have the electrical that <br /> needs to be replaced at the park and there are also some issues with the air conditions in the <br /> ZIT room. The units that are there came from the Courthouse when the equipment was moved <br /> to the Administration Building so they need to be repaired or replaced. If they use new unites <br /> they will need additional quotes and the new units would be around $8,000.00 and repairs <br /> would be about $6,500.00. They would like to have these expenses come out of the Building & <br /> Land Reserve fund and allow them to change the submitted budget. <br /> Arnold made a motion and Lanfear seconded to amend the submitted budget to include the park <br /> electrical repairs and the replacement air conditions for the IT Department. Arnold, Bredthauer, <br /> Lancaster, Lanfear, Quandt, Richardson and Schuppan all voted yes and none voted no. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Discussion was held and the board would like to see both proposals for new and repairing the <br /> unit. <br /> Lancaster questioned if there would be an extended warranty on the unit if it was repaired. <br /> Loran noted that the repairs could be $6,500.00 and new would be $8,000.00. He stated that it <br /> is temporarily fixed but the will have to do something soon it is imperative that the room has to <br /> stay a certain temperature to keep the computer units cool if it quits it would be an emergency <br /> item. Karen noted that if it is over $5,000.00 he would need 3 proposals. Loran will get the <br /> proposals. <br /> Lanfear noted that it make more sense to get a new unit. <br /> 7 <br />