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Bredthauer questioned if this would be the color on the inside of the original window. Mr. <br /> Humphrey stated that the storm window will be on the casing and the storm windows could be <br /> the same color. <br /> Arnold noted that there have been different colors over the years and in the past storm windows <br /> was a standard green color but it is very faded now. Bronze is a common color but a more <br /> modern color. <br /> Quandt questioned if this was the original color and stated he would like to see more than one <br /> color. <br /> Lancaster expressed concern that when the bids are opened it is important to move forward <br /> with the project and it is important to make the courthouse as attractive as it can be. Discussion <br /> was held. Mr. Humphrey showed some pictures of the windows. Bredthauer question what <br /> company has this color and Loran stated it can be color matched by anyone. Lanfear noted <br /> they need to make a decision and the storm windows should be the same color. <br /> The vote on the motion was taken. Arnold, Bredthauer, Lanfear, Quandt, Richardson and <br /> Schuppan all voted yes and Lancaster voted no. Motion carried. <br /> 10 D) DISCUSSION ON STORM WINDOWS FOR COURTHOUSE — Mr. Humphrey had a <br /> sample of a storm window and this window mirrors the interior window so when you look at it <br /> they look like the interior windows. The state historical society suggested a company that can <br /> actually make the arch on the top like the original windows. It the storm window was one piece <br /> of glass the glass would have to be 1 inch thick and this style will attach to the look not on the <br /> stone. He also stated that they looked at the windows at the Museum of Nebraska Arts in <br /> Kearney and they also mirror the inside windows. They need to decide what type of material <br /> they want to use, aluminum or wood. <br /> Quandt questioned if they could get proposals on both. Mr. Humphrey said they could bid one <br /> as an alternate and cover bot options. <br /> Lancaster stated she did not favor the aluminum but they would not have to be the silver color, <br /> but it has to be something permanent. Wood would require a lot of maintenance and they need <br /> to cut down on maintenance. <br /> Bredthauer questioned what the R value would be and Loran stated it would be the same <br /> because there is a seal on both but the aluminum would have less maintenance. <br /> Schuppan noted that no one puts on wood storm windows they are obsolete and wood requires <br /> more maintenance. <br /> Arnold expressed concern that the wood looks classier instead of aluminum. Mr. Humphrey <br /> stated he is not sure how many companies make the custom storm windows. He also noted <br /> that this company will not install the windows you need to have a general contractor to do the <br /> installation. <br /> Lancaster noted that it is important to make sure they are permanent and the maintenance is an <br /> issue. It is not unusual to have a contractor do the installation. <br /> 6 <br />