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Lancaster thanked them for coming and if this was not formalized this will insure that it will be <br /> taken care of now and in the future. If there is additional work that needs to be done they can <br /> set a standard to make sure it is addressed. <br /> Quandt made a motion and Bredthauer seconded to accept and place on file the petition <br /> regarding the abandoned cemetery. Arnold, Bredthauer, Lancaster, Lanfear, Quandt, <br /> Richardson and Schuppan all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> Arnold expressed concern on the damage to the stones but they would have to know when the <br /> stones were damaged. He also thanked them for the history. Discussion was held and it was <br /> noted there were some tire tracks on the stoned and it was questioned who may have put up <br /> the hay. <br /> Quandt made a motion and Bredthauer seconded to refer this matter to the Hall County Sheriffs <br /> Office for further investigation. Bredthauer, Lancaster, Lanfear, Quandt, Richardson and <br /> Schuppan all voted yes and Arnold voted no. Motion carried. <br /> PUBLIC PARTICIPATION — Matt McGuire 15346 West Barrows Road, Kenesaw, Nebraska <br /> requested to address the board. He addressed the following. <br /> • Complimented the Public Works Department regarding cleaning the ditches <br /> • Stated there should be a 3 way stop sign by Pizza Hut on Hwy 281 <br /> • Questioned if there was any progress on the truck wash <br /> • Noted there needs to be a turning lane on Stolley Park Road <br /> • Expressed concern on the Old Highway 30 project <br /> • Expressed concern on the leadership in Washington <br /> • Important to have good grain prices <br /> Bredthauer told Mr. McGuire that there will be a public hearing at Regional Planning regarding <br /> the truck wash. <br /> 10 FACILITIES AGENDA SCOTT ARNOLD <br /> B & C) DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION ON COLORS FOR THE COURTHOUSE <br /> WINDOWS - Mr. Humphrey was present. Arnold noted they need to decide on a color for the <br /> paint on the windows and this could also be used on the balcony project. Mr. Humphrey <br /> explained the process they can use to refurbish the wood on the windows they sand the wood <br /> down paint it with a liquid formula that soaks into the wood and they let it cure for about a week <br /> then it can be painted. It makes the wood harder and stronger then when it was new. This is a <br /> process that is used in historical project and this is what is in the bid specs for the balcony <br /> project. Discussion was held on the different colors. Mr. Humphrey showed them a sample of <br /> the color. <br /> Arnold made a motion and Lanfear seconded to approve the color of the paint for the windows <br /> and the balcony restoration the same color of ebony green. <br /> Lancaster stated she drove around and looked at other buildings for other color options. She <br /> noted that the color that was used at the Health Department was a deep bronze color and she <br /> would like to see that they are all the same. She would like to see some color options and feels <br /> the bronze is a richer color. <br /> 5 <br />