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Mr. Piccolo said he wants to see what the numbers will show one attorney would not be able to <br /> handle all of the cases. <br /> Lancaster noted that HHS has a different attitude on juvenile cases now. <br /> County Attorney Sarah Carstensen noted there are cases for abuse and neglect and <br /> delinquency cases and they usually have about 50 abuse cases each year. Mr. Piccolo stated <br /> they will hire one attorney and in 6 months will discuss if it is necessary to hire another. There <br /> are about 600 cases a year with about 550 delinquency cases. That attorney may be <br /> appointed to half of the cases so they may or may not need an additional attorney. It will be <br /> based on the number of cases. The county attorney cannot deny cases but the public <br /> defender's cases are based on the number each attorney can take. He noted that juvenile law <br /> has become a separate law. In 2016 there were 45 cases and in 2017 there were 45 cases and <br /> currently there have only been 5. These cases depend on law enforcement and HHS. There is <br /> a different approach and they need to determine if this is the correct approach. HHS wants to <br /> keep family together so this approach has drastically decreased the number of cases this year. <br /> They will address it in 6 months to see if the numbers change. <br /> The voted on the motion to hire one attorney for the Hall County Office of Juvenile Defense was <br /> taken. Arnold, Bredthauer, Lancaster, Lanfear, Quandt, Richardson and Schuppan all voted <br /> yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> 7. RECEIVE & PLACE ON FILE PETITION REGARDING ABANDONED CEMETERY <br /> MAINTENANCE DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Michelle Setlik filed the petition <br /> requesting the maintenance of the cemetery. She stated the earliest reference to the cemetery <br /> was in 1869 when there was a notice in the Omaha newspaper reporting a burial. In 1885 it <br /> was known as the Dunnerman Cemetery and was founded by a German Lutheran Church. <br /> About 1/3 of the members of that church were buried there. There are a number of unmarked <br /> graves and some were children. She noted that the last major cleanup was in 1976. After the <br /> cemetery tour on Memorial Day she was contacted and they ask about the Grand East <br /> Cemetery. There is a concern now because there are hay bales in the cemetery and she <br /> expressed concern on the stones that are there and if they have been damaged. She stated <br /> that one stone does have a crack in it and because of the concern she has submitted the <br /> petition to the county Board. <br /> Schuppan stated he had talked to Casey Sherlock and at one time they did mow the Poor Farm <br /> Cemetery so there has been some involvement regarding the mowing. <br /> Bredthauer stated she talked to Michelle and to Steve Riehle and has the state statutes. She <br /> looked at the cemetery and noted that the stones had not been mowed around. There are <br /> grave markers and if the stones are damaged it could cost $600.00 a stone to repair them and <br /> she questioned if the county could be responsible if the stones are damaged. She also noted <br /> that inside the fence there were two large hay bales. If they were using a windrower to do this <br /> they could damage the stones. <br /> Quandt also expressed concern on the hay bales and if there was any damage. <br /> Arnold noted that the petition will formalize the request and we owe it to those who came before <br /> us to maintain the cemetery. He suggested to check on a contract to have it mowed. <br /> 4 <br />