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The vote on the motion was taken. Bredthauer, Lancaster, Lanfear and Quandt voted yes and <br /> Arnold, Richardson and Schuppan voted no. Motion carried. <br /> Richardson stated she needed to address the questions that were asked regarding the punch <br /> cards for the congregate meals. Ms. Muzik stated that these are contributions for the meals <br /> they do not have to pay for meals. <br /> B) DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON TAX CREDITS - Mr. Humphrey was present <br /> and discussion was held on the tax credits he gave an example of how they are processed. On <br /> a million dollar project there would be 20% of the project eligible for tax credits so you would <br /> have to spend $840,000.00 on a million dollar project and in addition to that you have to have <br /> an architect for the projects and that cost would be eligible but it would still cost more. Also you <br /> would have to have plans and specifications on the projects. <br /> Arnold expressed concern that we would have to hire an architect for the projects and it will cost <br /> more to get it done. So we may be losing more than we gain with the tax credits. <br /> Richardson noted that if we use an architect for the courthouse window project the architect <br /> would be more than the project. Lanfear noted that we will be giving control to someone else <br /> and we might break even or may be in the hole and what the state wants may not be what the <br /> county wants. <br /> Lancaster thought this was a good idea but if you get a historical architect it will cost more we <br /> need to get these projects done it needs to be completed. She stated she is not as supportive <br /> of the tax credit now. <br /> Bredthauer questioned if we would look the historical status and Mr. Humphrey stated that we <br /> will not lose that status. <br /> Arnold made a motion and Lanfear seconded to discontinue the tax credits on the Courthouse. <br /> Arnold, Bredthauer, Lancaster, Lanfear, Quandt, Richardson and Schuppan all voted yes and <br /> none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> C) DIRECTORS REPORT- Mr. Humphrey stated that there was a heating pipe in the old <br /> section of the jail that was leaking it has been isolated and they are proposing to tie if off to keep <br /> it from leaking. Then in the winter month they could use some baseboard heaters in the records <br /> and evidence storage areas. <br /> Mr. Humphrey stated that the Historical Preservation office contacted him about showing the <br /> ceiling in the courtroom to promote the use of tax credits. <br /> Mr. Humphrey showed pictures of the repairs to the skylights it is completed and does not leak. <br /> He also stated that the County has accepted bids for the repairs to the front steps and also for <br /> cleaning the outside of the Courthouse they are scheduled to start that work in July. <br /> They also needed to repair a door at the Federal Building and it is a custom made door so Mr. <br /> Quandt suggested contacting Baker Development. They may be able to replace the pieces and <br /> then may look at trying to preserve it using the products they used on the Courthouse windows. <br /> To replace it would be about $5000.00. <br /> 12 <br />