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Kathy Reiger 508 West 13th Street, stated this Senior Citizen center means a lot she goes for <br /> good nutrition exercise and friends it will be a great injustice not to continue these programs she <br /> is asking to continue to take care of them. She questioned about the gold punch cards it was <br /> used for donation dollars for the meals. She can afford to pay for the meals and is concerned <br /> that they do not have the cards what has happened to the donation? She also expressed <br /> concern that the attendance has dropped. When will these changes be effective? Seniors have <br /> worked hard she thought public service was to serve your constituents. <br /> Richardson will address her questions later she is asking about the gold cards and what has <br /> happened to the donation box and when will this be effective. <br /> Ms. Mildred Hoffman - Stated that she goes e very day and they just celebrated their 69th <br /> wedding anniversary she expressed concern about the old cards for the meals. <br /> Jay Vavricek stated he would like to defer until MAAA representatives are here. <br /> Bernadine Leitschuck 225 Arapahoe noted that the volunteers make a big difference they carry <br /> meals help with flyers and the meals on wheels are all served with volunteers. <br /> Dick Hartman stated that the board needs to agree to take care of the seniors. The board is <br /> arguing about people that put them here to serve. <br /> Richardson stated that all of the board cares this just needs to be resolved. This will be brought <br /> back for more discussion when MAAA is here. <br /> 6. A) DISCUSS & PLACE ON FILE THE SPECIAL AUDIT OF THE HALL COUNTY PUBLIC <br /> WORKS DEPARTMENT - Phillip Erb with Lutz was present and he stated that the audit for the <br /> County Assessor has not been completed and he will bring it back. He distributed copies to the <br /> board members. <br /> The audit for the public works department is for the year ending December 29, 2017 Casey <br /> Sherlock's last day. The expenditures and revenue are for that department only. This is a <br /> special audit and there are no changes in county policies and it is the cash basis. <br /> There were no audit adjustments and there were no issues. <br /> C) DISCUSS & PLACE ON FILE THE SPECIAL AUDIT OF THE HALL COUNTY REGISTER <br /> OF DEEDS - He stated they relied on the employees of the register of deeds it was the same <br /> independent auditors report. He noted page 2 that that addresses the cash basis for the county <br /> general fund and there is also the PMI fund that are restricted dollars that are only used for the <br /> register of deeds records. The letter addressing internal control due to cross training and <br /> segregation of duties. It is not feasible to hire more people. They could not complete the <br /> reconciliation of the cash balance and this has been and they reported on it before. They are <br /> hoping that this will be addressed. <br /> They are working on the County Attorney audit and hope to have it completed and the <br /> Assessor's audit. <br /> Lancaster made a motion and Lanfear seconded to place on file the special audit of the Public <br /> Works Department and the Register of Deeds. Arnold, Bredthauer, Lancaster, Lanfear, Quandt, <br /> Richardson and Schuppan all voted yes ad none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> 5 <br />